DCAPES Transition its Forces from Postured Force ... - Air Force BES
2024年4月30日 · Recent successes in the Deliberate and Crisis Action Planning and Execution System (DCAPES) program have positioned it for Full Deployment Decision (FDD) in Fall 2024 and a transition to the Software Acquisition Pathway (SWP) thereafter, enabling DCAPES to adjust to evolving DAF war planning requirements.
DCAPES provides Air Force users with automated information system access to Joint Operations Planning and Execution System (JOPES). Numbered Air Force and higher echelons use JOPES to manage the...
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DCAPES is the Air Force's single system to present, plan, source, mobilize, deploy, account for, sustain, redeploy, and reconstitute forces for contingency and crisis operations.
tion implements Air Force Policy Directive (AFPD) 10-4, Operations Planning: Air Expeditionary Force and Global Force Management. It provides the basic requirements for Air Force (AF)
2015年8月2日 · Deliberate and Crisis Action Planning and Execution Segments (DCAPES) is a system being developed as the next-generation Air Force interface to the Joint Operational Planning and Execution System. DCAPES replaced Contingency Operations Mobility Planning and Execution System to provide capabilities which are consistent with Joint Vision 2020
haracteristics Report (TUCHAREP), and Department of the Air Force Instruction (DAFI) 10-401, Operations Planning and Execution. It provides guidance and procedures on the development, maintenance, and reporting of unit type codes throughout the Department of the Air Forc.
Defense Technical Information Center - DTIC
DCAPES replaced Contingency Operations Mobility Planning and Execution System to provide capabilities which are consistent with Joint Vision 2020 related to exercising integrated Command and Control.
presentation and Deliberate and Crisis Action Planning and Execution Segment (DCAPES), for the planning, deployment, employment, sustainment, redeployment and reconstitution of forces. It covers the procedures and standards that govern operations planning and …
Automated information system improves command and control capabilities
2007年7月27日 · Known as Deliberate and Crisis Action Planning and Execution Segments, or DCAPES, it serves as the Air Force's single command and control, or C2, system to present, plan, source, mobilize, deploy, account for, sustain, and redeploy and reconstitute combatant commander requirements supporting major combat operations, stability operations ...
Silent trackers within the Air Force: DCAPES
2012年7月11日 · For the 379th Expeditionary Force Support Squadron PERSCO team, DCAPES primarily provides the Air Force with end-to-end personnel accountability in one database and gives PERSCO members the ability to monitor the duty status of …
DTIC AD1019770: Deliberate and Crisis Action Planning and …
2016年3月1日 · Deliberate and Crisis Action Planning and Execution Segments (DCAPES) is a system being developed as the next generation Air Force interface to the Joint Operational Planning and Execution System (JOPES).
DCAPES is used to create, manage, and project weapon systems, logistics, and personnel documentation, enabling the Air Force to deliver air, space, and cyberspace capabilities to combatant commanders worldwide.
New software release provides clearer deployment picture
2009年7月8日 · The new 4104 version of the Deliberate and Crisis Action Planning and Execution Segments, or DCAPES, consolidates all personnel deployment functions within the same classified information-sharing environment, and it provides deployed Airmen live access to the same deployment data being used by Airmen at various bases and major commands.
ARRAY Awarded AF War Planning and Execution Software …
2015年4月30日 · DCAPES is a mission critical program essential for the success of the USAF's planning and execution activities for the mobilization, deployment, employment, sustainment, and redeployment of USAF...
Concept Plus Secures Pivotal $48M Contract to Modernize Air …
2025年1月13日 · DCAPES is a critical component of the Air Force’s operational strategy, enabling real-time integration of personnel, logistics, and operational data to support rapid decision-making and effective crisis response.
DCAPES is the Air Force feeder system to the Joint Operational Planning and Execution System. It provides Air Force user’s access to the Joint Operational Planning and Execution System at...
AFI10-401, Air Force Operations Planning and Execution
AFI 10-401 prescribes and explains how the Air Force participates in the Joint Planning and Execution Community (JPEC), including force presentation and Deliberate and Crisis Action Planning and Execution Segment (DCAPES), for the planning, deployment, employment, sustainment, redeployment and reconstitution of forces.
2019年8月22日 · DISA developed GCCS-J Global v4.2.0.9 (Global v4.2.0.9) to provide operational enhancements, remediate security vulnerabilities, and correct Common Operational Picture (COP) and Integrated Imagery and Intelligence (I3) application deficiencies discovered while testing and operating previous Global releases.
DCAPES - Deliberate and Crisis Action Planning and Execution System
The abbreviation DCAPES stands for Deliberate and Crisis Action Planning and Execution System and is mostly used in the following categories: Military, Planning, Execution, Crisis, Manpower. Whether you're exploring these categories or simply seeking a quick definition, this page provides comprehensive information on DCAPES.
SWP Programs | Adaptive Acquisition Framework
AAF > Software Acquisition > SWP Programs. Information current as of 02/24/2025. 1. MAVEN. A&S and the SW Modernization Senior Steering Group are conducting an outreach campaign to remove PEO impediments and enable adoption of the SWP/DevSecOps.