Renee Montoya | DC Animated Universe | Fandom
Renee Montoya was an officer and later a detective of the Gotham Police Department. A young cop fresh to the force, Montoya was not sure what to think of the Batman or costumed folk in …
Daniel Turpin | DC Animated Universe | Fandom
Daniel "Dan" Turpin was a member of the Metropolis Police Department's Special Crimes Unit. Despite his initial frustration with Superman, he was killed trying to help him during Darkseid 's …
Harvey Bullock | DC Animated Universe | Fandom
Bullock as a beat cop, witnessing Bruce Wayne's first night out fighting crime. Harvey Bullock was a member of the Gotham police force. [3] In his days as a beat cop, he was partnered with …
Renee Montoya (DCAU) | DC Database | Fandom
Renee Montoya was a Gotham City police officer, and one of Gordon 's best officers. Her first mission was to guard the hospital room of Harvey Dent after he was poisoned and taken to the …
DC动画宇宙 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
DC动画宇宙 (英语: DC animated universe,简称 DCAU)是指由 华纳兄弟动画 推出的一系列受欢迎的 电视系列动画片 及相关副产品的粉丝之间的称呼术语。 这些系列大多改编自 DC漫 …
DC動畫宇宙 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
DC動畫宇宙 (英語: DC animated universe,簡稱 DCAU)是指由 華納兄弟動畫 推出的一系列受歡迎的 電視系列動畫片 及相關副產品的粉絲之間的稱呼術語。 這些系列大多改編自 DC漫 …
Harvey Bullock (Character) - Comic Vine
Harvey Bullock was once a corrupt GCPD cop, until he turned over a new leaf and made a conscious effort to be an honest lawman. He is now one of Jim Gordon's most trusted officers.
DC動畫宇宙 | DC漫畫 Wiki | Fandom
DC動畫宇宙(DC animated universe)簡稱「DCAU」是指由華納兄弟動畫推出的一系列受歡迎的電視系列動畫片及相關副產品的粉絲之間的稱呼術語。 這些系列大多改編自DC漫畫。
And to kinda off this list, we have somewhat a cop who may or
Great character, surprisingly nuanced for that show, and great romance with Alex. Supergirl. DCAU. 191K subscribers in the superman community. Clark Kent. Kal-El. The Man of Steel. …
When Did HARVEY BULLOCK Become a Cop? | The Vanishing …
2018年12月27日 · All things DC Animated Universe (DCAU), the animated saga produced by Warner Bros. and DC Comics that began with 1992's "Batman: The Animated Series." Stay …