en los aparatados RESOLUTION, ASPECT RATIO, MONITORS Y FULL SCREEN, y, en el DCS WORLD, prestaremos especial atencion a la casilla de DISABLE AERO INTERFACE. En el apartado resolution pondremos la resolución total de la pantalla. Dicha resolución la obtenemos de sumar los anchos de ambas pantallas que vayamos a utilizar, en el caso del ejemplo
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2012年5月3日 · Allgemeiner DCS News- und Newsdiskussionsthread (nur DCS-News, sonst nichts) By schmiefel, ...
2021年6月14日 · The Mi-24P Hind operates within the DCS World PC simulation. When you run DCS World, you in turn launch DCS: Mi-24P Hind. A map of the Caucasus region, the Su-25T Frogfoot attack aircraft, and TF-51 training aircraft are also included for free. After clicking the DCS World icon on your desktop, the DCS World Main Menu screen opens.
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DCS World allows us to set up a larger virtual screen consisting of several physical monitors that we have previously arranged in the Microsoft Windows environment. This larger display space can be used in different ways: 1. One single large “panorama” cockpit view 2.