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Damage-specific DNA binding protein 1 (DDB1): a protein with a …
Damage-specific DNA binding protein 1 (DDB1) is a multifunctional protein that was first isolated as a subunit of a heterodimeric complex that recognises the UV-induced DNA lesions in the …
- 作者: Barbara Iovine, Maria Luigia Iannella, Maria Assunta Bevilacqua
- Publish Year: 2011
DDB1 Gene - GeneCards | DDB1 Protein | DDB1 Antibody
2024年12月24日 · DDB1 is a protein coding gene involved in DNA repair and protein ubiquitination. It encodes the large subunit of the UV-DDB complex and the adaptor molecule for the CUL4 E3 ligase complex.
赵同金教授团队揭示DDB1在调控脂肪组织发育和肥胖 …
本文报道了赵同金教授团队发现DDB1能够通过乙酰化组蛋白阅读子BRWD3结合到最早期基因启动子上,释放Pol II暂停,开启脂肪细胞分化的转录事件。该研究揭示了DDB1在调控脂肪组织发育和肥胖发生中的生理作用,并发现了Pol II暂停释 …
DDB1 damage specific DNA binding protein 1 [ (human)]
Results suggest that DDB1 prevents DNA lesions from accumulating in replicating human cells, in part by regulating Cdt1 degradation. the interaction with DDB1 mediates Vpr-induced …
损伤特异性 DNA 结合蛋白 1(DDB1)基因 | MCE
损伤特异性 DNA 结合蛋白 1: 由该基因编码的蛋白质是异二聚体 DNA 损伤结合 (DDB) 复合物的大亚基 (p127) ,而另一种蛋白质 (p48) 形成小亚基。这种蛋白质复合物在核苷酸切除修复中 …
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Science | 靶向蛋白降解途径突破,几乎可用于任何疾病 …
2022年11月22日 · 通过表征crbn-ddb1系统固有的构象重排,并展示三种不同的降解分子如何影响变构和新基质结合能力,我们揭示了crbn中移动药物结合tbd的构象控制如何暗中推动新底物靶向药物的治疗成功。
Damage-specific DNA binding protein 1 (DDB1): a protein with a …
2011年12月1日 · DDB1 interacts with the Fmod and MMP-13 promoters and may function as a transcriptional partner of E2F1. DDB1 targets the replication licensing protein (Cdt1) for …
Structure of the DDB1–CRBN E3 ubiquitin ligase in …
2014年7月16日 · Here, Nicolas Thomä and colleagues present the crystal structure of DDB1–CRBN E3 ubiquitin ligase bound to thalidomide and to the related drugs lenalidomide and pomalidomide.
Structure of the DDB1-AMBRA1 E3 ligase receptor complex linked …
2023年11月22日 · The structure shows that parts of the N- and C-terminal structural regions in AMBRA1 fold together into the highly dynamic WD40 domain and reveals how DDB1 engages …