AFC reserves the right to change design/ specifi cations without further notices. DDCV-Dual Disc Check Valve Features: • Economic version of wafer and light weight design, save space and reduce installation cost.. • With stainless steel spring to close quicker before reverse fl ow to prevent water hammer.
对夹式双瓣止回阀-DDCV,H77X止回阀- 上海昆炼阀门制造有限公司
ddcv、h77x对夹式双瓣止回阀由阀体、阀瓣、阀杆及弹簧等零件组成,采用对夹连接。由于阀瓣的关闭行程短,并且有弹簧加载,可减少水锤现象。 由于阀瓣的关闭行程短,并且有弹簧加载,可减少水锤现象。
Alpine Flow Control » Double Disc Check Valve
Advanced dynamic design of single body with diffuser provides streamline flow and assures lower head loss. Minimize the head loss to 0.016Bar upon 2M/ sec flow rate. Brass or reinforced bearing reduce wearing problem during operation. Hydrodynamic design ensures non …
The Series 8800W Dual Disc Check Valve is ruggedly constructed with bronze discs and stainless steel trim to give years of trouble free operation. The valve should be installed in horizontal or vertical flow up pipes carrying clean water. The valves can be equipped with special springs for operation in blower air service (Series 8900W).
以往国内普遍采用的是H44型法兰连接旋启式止回阀和H41型法兰连接升降式止回阀,这种传统的止回阀体积笨大,流体阻力大,阀门关闭时水锤压力高,安装、维修难,使用寿命短。 性能参数: 主要零部件材料: 外形尺寸: 找商网优质对夹碟式双瓣止回阀,上海冠龙止回阀厂家直销,所在地上海市奉贤区,价格是200,更多止回阀价格和批发信息,请与供应商上海冠龙、沪工、春江、上海水表联 …
2017年5月24日 · ddcv对夹式止回阀具有结构长度短,体积小重量轻,阀瓣关闭快速,水锤压力小,流道通畅,流体阻力小,水平管道或垂直管道均可使用,安装方便,动作灵敏,密封性能好,阀瓣行程短、关阀冲击力小,简单紧凑、造型美观,使用寿命长、可靠性高,防止介质 ...
DDCV ’s Diaphragm Check Valve is drip-proof and may be mounted in any position. As there are no moving metal parts, operation is silent. For superior shock resistance, glow plates are Carbon Steel which can be coated for various applications. If required, valves can be manufactured in Stainless Steel. The incorporation
ddcv对夹式止回阀具有结构长度短,体积小重量轻,阀瓣关闭快速,水锤压力小,流道通畅,流体阻力小,水平管道或垂直管道均可使用,安装方便,动作灵敏,密封性能好,阀瓣行程短、关阀冲击力小,简单紧凑、造型美观,使用寿命长、可靠性高,防止介质 ...
CE-452778-3 - Heart Rhythm
External direct current cardioversion (DCCV) is a mainstay treatment to restore sinus rhythm in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF). However, a significant portion of the increasingly prevalent obese population fail traditional cardioversion techniques using a single set of defibrillator pads.
Cardioversion in atrial fibrillation described - European Society of ...
2012年11月29日 · Here we will review basic principles and techniques of direct current and internal cardioversion, from patient preparation to requirments for energy waveforms and …