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Zynq7000系列FPGA中的DDRI和DDRC - CSDN博客
2024年7月15日 · 在DDRI(DDR Interface)和DDRC之间,存在仲裁逻辑(Arbitration Logic)。 这个仲裁逻辑的主要作用是决定在多个可能同时请求访问DDR内存的事务中,哪个事务应该被优先发送到DDRC进行处理。
DDRI-9: a novel DNA damage response inhibitor that blocks …
DDRI-9 alters recruitment of DDR-related proteins onto DNA damage sites and inhibits ATM-mediated DDR signaling pathways. In response to DSBs, autophosphorylated, active ATM phosphorylates H2AX at sites of DNA damage.
Combining targeted DNA repair inhibition and immune ... - Cell …
2023年1月19日 · This review discusses the mechanisms of DNA-damage response inhibition (DDRi) and how these therapies are leveraged to potentiate immunotherapy in cancer. Additionally, we review clinically relevant biomarkers for DDRi efficacy and promising new immunotherapy approaches that can be combined with DDRis to …
Human-Environment and Geographical Sciences Program - NSF
Supports doctoral dissertation research on the nature, causes and consequences of the spatial dimensions of human activities and/or environmental processes across a range of scales.
DNA damage response inhibitors enhance tumour treating fields …
Results: We show that TTFields robustly activates PARP- and ATR-mediated DNA repair (including PARylation and CHK1 phosphorylation, respectively), whilst combining TTFields with PARP1 or ATR inhibitor treatment leads to significantly reduced clonogenic survival.
Frontiers | Anti-cancer immune responses to DNA damage …
2022年10月5日 · DDR inhibitor (DDRi) therapy is used to treat cancer patients with tumors that harbor alterations in DDR proteins such as BRCA1/2. In these tumors, inhibition of additional DDR proteins renders the cell incapable of any type of DNA repair, resulting in cell death .
DNA Damage Response in Cancer Therapy and Resistance: …
DNA damage response (DDR) comprises several pathways that eliminate DNA damage to maintain genomic stability and integrity, but different types of cancers are associated with DDR machinery defects.
cAMP-independent DNA binding of the CRP family protein DdrI …
2024年6月25日 · Here, we report the structure of DdrI, a CRP family protein from Deinococcus radiodurans. Combined with biochemical, kinetic, and molecular dynamics simulations analyses, our results indicate that DdrI adopts a DNA-binding conformation in the absence of cAMP and can form stable complexes with the target DNA sequence of classical CRPs.