Delaware Prescription Monitoring Program - Division of …
Using the PMP website, Delaware-licensed pharmacies and prescribers who dispense controlled substances report prescription data to the PMP daily. Prescribers and dispensers registered with the PMP can obtain immediate access to an online report of their current or prospective patient’s controlled substance prescription history.
Requesting a Patient PMP Prescription Report - Delaware
The Delaware Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) will provide a report of all prescription monitoring information that pertains to a patient directly to the patient or to the patient’s authorized representative. Note: If you are a practitioner who wishes to receive a patient’s prescription records, click Login.
Frequently Asked Questions - Division of Professional ... - Delaware
Answer: Registration to access the Delaware PMP is mandatory (16 Del. C. § 4798 (u)) for the following: Pharmacists who dispense controlled substances in Delaware. However, certain other practitioners may register although it is not mandatory. For more information, see Practitioner, Pharmacist and Delegate Registration.
PMP AWARXE requires that every individual register as a separate user, using their email address as their username within the system. A user can register as a delegate, a role which is designed to allow the user to generate reports on the behalf of another, current user. An example of a delegate role would be a nurse at a small doctor’s office.
Prescription Monitoring Program – My Healthy Community – …
2024年8月24日 · The Delaware Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) provides insight to dispensed prescriptions. A comparison of available PMP measures shows communities with gaps in opioid use treatment. The rate of prescriptions for high dose (greater than 90 MMEs) and extended-release opioids are indicators of high need for treatment.
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Effective November 7, 2017, the DE PMP will begin requiring pharmacies and dispensers to report controlled substance dispensations to the DE PMP via the PMP Clearinghouse. …
Prescription Drug Monitoring Program: Delaware State Profile …
2021年1月1日 · The Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Training and Technical Assistance Center (PDMP TTAC) reports 2020 data and 2021 features of the Delaware State PDMP.
16 Delaware Code § 4798 (2024) - The Delaware ... - Justia Law
(a) It is the intent of the General Assembly that the Delaware Prescription Monitoring Act established pursuant to this section serves as a means to promote public health and welfare and to detect the illegal use of controlled substances.
PDMP - pr
Regístrate para acceder al historial de medicamentos controlados de tus pacientes en farmacias de Puerto Rico y 33 estados .