Peter De Wint - Wikipedia
Peter De Wint (21 January 1784 – 30 January 1849) was a prolific English painter, mostly in landscape painting in oils and watercolour. A number of his pictures are in Tate Britain , the Victoria and Albert Museum and The Collection , Lincoln .
彼特·德·温特 - 百度百科
旁边的一块石碑上写着这样的话哈丽特·德温特(Harriet De Wint)将这种字体呈献给萨伏伊皇家礼拜堂,以代替先前为纪念其兄弟威廉·希尔顿(William Hilton R.a.)、丈夫彼得·德温特(Peter De Wint)及其家人而竖立的纪念碑,他们的遗体安葬在毗邻的公墓中。
Peter De Wint 1784–1849 - Tate
Peter De Wint (21 January 1784 – 30 January 1849) was an English landscape painter. A number of his pictures are in the National Gallery, the Victoria and Albert Museum and The Collection, Lincoln. He died in London.
Peter De Wint | Landscape Painter, Watercolourist | Britannica
2025年1月26日 · Peter De Wint was an English landscape and architectural painter who was one of the chief English watercolourists of the early 19th century. After taking drawing lessons from a local Staffordshire painter, De Wint in 1802 began to …
de Wint, Peter, 1784–1849 - Art UK
De Wint loved painting—he said ‘Mine is a beautiful profession’—and was popular as a teacher. Text source: The Oxford Dictionary of Art and Artists (Oxford University Press) Artworks by Peter de Wint
彼得·德·温特(Peter de Wint) - 画园网 - budarts.com
彼得·德·温特(Peter De Wint)是英国风景画家。德温特是一位荷兰血统的英国医生的儿子,他从纽约来到英国。他出生在斯塔福德郡的斯通(Stone, Staffordshire)。1800年,威廉·希尔顿(William Hilton)师从雕刻家John Raphael Smith,并于同一时...
Peter De Wint - The Art Institute of Chicago
Peter De Wint; A Wooded River Landscape, 1839/40 Peter De Wint; Grove of Trees (recto), Sketch of Aderley Church (verso), c. 1830 Peter De Wint; Figures and Horse Cart in Landscape with Cliffs, n.d. Peter De Wint
魅惑自然的诗意之手:Peter de Wint的艺术世界
【引言】 Peter de Wint(彼得·德温特,1784-1849)是一位备受推崇的英国风景画家,他以其精湛的技巧和对自然的深入观察而闻名。 他的作品充满着细腻的色彩和令人陶醉的氛围,将观者带入了一个安宁而富有诗意的世界。
魅惑自然的诗意之手:Peter de Wint的艺术世界 - 百家号
De Wint的作品以细腻的色调和精确的构图而著称。 他善于运用柔和的灰色调,将景物的层次感和氛围表现得淋漓尽致。 他的画面通常具有宁静、平和的特点,给人一种宁静和惬意的感觉。
彼得·德·温特的作品 - 画园网 - budarts.com
林肯郡怀瑟姆市一条支流上的桥 彼得·德·温特