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Mit einem XING Profil kommen die Jobs automatisch zu Dir und Du verpasst nie wieder eine gute Gelegenheit. Sieht top aus und ist ratzfatz erstellt. Lies die besten Tipps und Artikel von …
De Xing - Google Scholar
Analysis of genetic diversity in mass selection lines of white-shell Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) using microsatellite fluorescent multiplex PCR technique. Comparative genomic and...
德性 - 百度百科
德性,汉语词语,拼音:dé xing,意思是指人的自然至诚之性。 出自《礼记 ·中庸》。 子思言“尊德性”,而归于“道问学”。 ——清· 刘开《问说》 [1] 《礼记·中庸》:“故君子尊德性而道问学。 ” …
德行是一个汉语词语,读音:dé xíng,是指道德品行的素质,也指讥讽人的话,表示瞧不起别人的 仪容 、举止、行为、作风等用此词。 出自《易·节》:“君子以制数度,议德行。 1、 …
ZOOLOGICAL SYSTEMATICS[J]. 2015, 40(3): 339-348, [12] Ma, De, Liu, HuaTao, Ji, YaJie, Shi, ChengMin, Yang, YuHui, Zhang, DeXing. Black-spotted pond frog (Pelophylax …
Dexing Huang | Institute of Automation, CAS
My research primarily focus on developing an intelligent navigation system for image-guided vascular interventions. Before that, I received my B.S. degree from the School of Electronic …
Dexing Kong - Google 学术搜索 - Google Scholar
L Ta-Tsien, Z Yi, K De-Xing. Communications in partial differential equations 19 (7-8), 1263-1317, 1994. 148: 1994: Improving B-mode ultrasound diagnostic performance for focal liver lesions …
Dxhuang-CASIA (Dexing Huang) - GitHub
👋 Hi, I’m De-Xing Huang 👀 I’m interested in Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Medical Image Analysis, 2D/3D Meidcal Image Registration 🌱 I’m currently a second-year Ph.D. student at the …
De-Xing ZHANG | PhD | Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing
De-Xing ZHANG | Cited by 7,153 | of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing (CAS) | Read 78 publications | Contact De-Xing ZHANG
De-Xing Zheng's research works | Nanjing University of …
De-Xing Zheng's 8 research works with 41 citations and 238 reads, including: An efficient thermal model for high-speed angular contact ball bearings based on oil-air two-phase flow...