Deaf Poems - Deaf Community
2006年5月19日 · I have some several Deaf Poems that I would like to share. I'm always liking to read different poems whether they are related to the deafness or just about anything. I love the Poetry for itself because it is a form of a communication and it is one of the best way to express how you feel. If there's any deaf poems out there, I'd love to read them.
You Have To Be Deaf To Understand (Poem) - Deaf Community
2007年3月7日 · You Have to be Deaf to Understand by Willard J. Madsen "You Have to be Deaf to Understand" was written by Willard J. Madsen, associate professor at Gallaudet College and a graduate of the Kansas School for the Deaf. Written in 1971, the poem first appeared in the Dee Cee Eyes and has since been reprinted in publications all over the country.
What is it like to be deaf -poem - Deaf Community
2010年7月10日 · Pedro attends these District Prayer Meetings; he is the only Deaf man present, which is no surprise as a recent survey by Silent Blessings Ministries states that only a mere two percent of Deaf people claim to be Christian. Because Pedro is alone in his stand for Christ as a Deaf man, he has no friends other than his interpreter.
I Hear Your Hand (A Deaf Poem) - Deaf Community
2005年11月7日 · I got this from a friend and thought the poem was so beautiful. So, I thought I'd like to share that with you guys. ;) I Hear Your Hand We cannot hear anything at all becasue we are deaf. Cannont hear voices, We can only see their …
You have to be Deaf to understand - Deaf Community
2003年5月20日 · You Have to be deaf to understand the deaf What is it like to "hear" a hand? You have to be deaf to understand. What is it like to be a small child, In a school, in a room void of sound -- With a teacher who talks and talks and talks; …
Deaf poetry jam - Deaf Community
2004年4月18日 · The two performed last Friday night for a group of Swarthmore students, faculty and many members of the deaf community in Science Center 199. The two performed a set of about eight poems composed primarily by Cook, with some collaboration by Lerner. Cook signed the poems to the audience, working in a bit of pantomime and on one occasion, speech.
Where can I get help glossing a song I'd like to sign in ASL?
2010年10月22日 · IntensorPoet's Deaf World of Poems: My First ASL Lyrics: "Must Have ASL" (2nd revision) My First ASL Lyrics: "Must Have ASL" (2nd revision) Since my first post, I received refinements, suggestions and even PRACTICED it with musical instruments playing.
I dont want to lose you. Old poems. | Deaf Community
I dont want to lose you I don’t want to lose you… I don’t want to lose you! I don’t have a sight to lose you. I know we love each other’s so much. I couldn’t lose you. It will be so painful if I lose you. I really loves you so much with all my heart. I couldn’t lose you! I...
What your favorite "Thanksgivings" poem? - Deaf Community
2008年11月17日 · GarnetTigerMom New Member. Joined Aug 27, 2007 Messages 4,951 Reaction score 1
Deaf Poetry - Deaf Community
2008年3月10日 · I am writing a paper on Deaf poetry in my ASL II class. I was wondering if anyone could help me from the Deaf community with some questions I have. 1. What are your views on poetry and what similarities or differences from written poetry are of importance to you? 2. Are you a poet? 3. Is this form of expression important to you and why? 4.