Wearing Deal Sleds or Loafers as an Intern | Wall Street Oasis
2018年6月30日 · Even if junior analysts are wearing "deal sleds" - it is much safer to wear a basic, conservative shoe as there will be no one that will have an issue with you.
Deal Sleds - Wall Street Oasis
2022年9月21日 · Fellas - Starting a new gig in NYC as an acquisitions associate at at REPE firm (level of Rockpoint, Square Mile, Angelo Gordon etc.) and need a recommendation for some …
Mid-range deal sleds - Wall Street Oasis
2022年5月16日 · Dick_Whitman333, shame nobody has responded. Maybe one of these topics will help: Wearing Deal Sleds or Loafers as an Intern Sleds Weirdest Deal Sleds Elon Musk: …
Sleds - Wall Street Oasis
2018年4月20日 · Looking forward to buy new deal sleds. Advice about where to buy different ones? Which brand? Disclosure: man, already have the Gucci's one, don't like LV
DEAL SLEDS OPINION - Wall Street Oasis
2022年1月12日 · Do I meet the distinction of wearing deal sleds as an SA? I would love to rock some Cole Haans or Ferragamos, as they would be a classic look and efficient to slip on, but …
Weirdest Deal Sleds - Wall Street Oasis
2021年8月26日 · Do you think it's possible to close a deal in Osiris'? If not, what are the weirdest deal sleds you've seen.
Best Value (~$200) Bit Loafers? - Wall Street Oasis
2018年9月12日 · Any suggestions for good quality brown bit loafers around $200? I love the Gucci and Ferragamo styles, but I'd like to get a similar look for less. I've ordered and returned …
Gucci Loafers with the Gold Bit vs Silver Bit - Wall Street Oasis
2018年10月24日 · Is it just me, or is this year's women's fashion trend of backless deal sleds off-putting? Since when did offensively luxurious slippers become acceptable (nay, de rigueur) …
Nomura Reputation - Wall Street Oasis
2018年8月7日 · Those same finance meme pages used to post certain products (JUULs, La Croix, etc) with what I would assume was the same intentions (swaying opinion). Now you …
JLL Capital Markets Comp - Wall Street Oasis
2021年11月18日 · 60k base + a bonus that is highly dependent on what team you are on. Any ex-HFF teams are worth it but most aren't. The big problem at JLL is bullying. I know of at least …