Dean Lah - Architectuul
Dean Lah was born in 1971 in Maribor, Slovenia and graduated from the Ljubljana Faculty of Architecture in 1998. In the same year he cofounded the architectural office Enota where he works as partner architect ever since.
Dean LAH - SHARE Architects
Dean Lah was born in 1971 in Maribor, Slovenia and graduated from the Ljubljana Faculty of Architecture in 1998. In the same year he cofounded the architectural office Enota where he works as partner architect ever since.
Dean Lah - Founding Partner - ENOTA - LinkedIn
View Dean Lah’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. Founding Partner, ENOTA · ENOTA · University of Ljubljana, Faculty of architecture ·...
- 职位: Founding Partner, ENOTA
- 位置: ENOTA
- 500+ 连接数
全球设计“折叠”中国地产 | ArchDaily - 传播世界建筑
2016年9月14日 · dean lah本人更是多个建筑竞赛评委团成员,斯诺文尼亚建筑空间规划师,欧准建筑论坛成员,卢布尔雅那建筑师协会等组织的成员。 收藏这幅画! Sarvdeep Basur
Enota - BIG SEE
Enota is led by founding partners and principal architects Dean Lah and Milan Tomac. Constant changes and new complex situations in the world around us drive us to think about new architectural and urban solutions.
韦莱涅步行道,从公路到步行道的“华丽转身” Promenada / Enota
2017年12月7日 · 韦莱涅步行道(Velenje “ Promenada”)是斯洛文尼亚国的韦莱涅镇的一个重要的城市空间和主干道,也是市中心的主轴之一。 这个年轻的镇子在20世纪50年代受到现代主 …
Dean Lah Profile Page | World Architecture Community
Dean Lah was born in 1971 in Maribor, Slovenia and graduated from the Ljubljana Faculty of Architecture in 1998. In the same year he cofounded the architectural office Enota where he works as partner architect ever since.
Dean Lah, Enota│Slovenia Interior & wood design 180°: oct 17, …
Dean Lah was born in 1971 in Maribor, Slovenia and graduated from the Ljubljana Faculty of Architecture in 1998. In the same year he cofounded the architectural office Enota where he works as partner architect ever since.
Dean Lah | Roca Gallery
Dean Lah is a graduate of the Ljubljana Faculty of Architecture. In 1998, he cofounded the office ENOTA where he works as a partner architect ever since. His work at ENOTA has received many awards and has been published and exhibited widely.
Dean Lah, arhitekt – Odprte hiše Slovenije
Dean Lah je leta 1998 diplomiral na ljubljanski Fakulteti za arhitekturo. Istega leta je s sodelavci ustanovil arhitekturni biro Enota, v katerem od takrat deluje kot arhitekt. Za svoje delo v Enoti je prejel več domačih in tujih arhitekturnih nagrad.