install VC++ Debug Runtime Distributable - Stack Overflow
2014年8月19日 · OP was asking about 2013, but the title is general, so.. I just wanted to point out that in newer Visual Studio releases with the "select what you want" installer, for the debug runtime you need just "tools" or "build tools" (e.g. VC++ 2017 version 15.9 v14.16 latest v141 tools or MSVC v142 - VS 2019 C++ Build Tools, not to be confused with the toolset)
How to debug Visual Studio in 64-bit - Stack Overflow
2011年10月20日 · In VS 2012, C# default is to build for AnyCPU but debug on x86. On a 64-bit system, follow JaredPar's instructions to force debugging in 64-bit mode. AnyCPU is a confusing term. It means VS will build an executable compatible with AnyCPU but says nothing about debugging mode. Debug mode is specified by "Platform Target" setting. –
How to run x64 Debug Mode DLLs are "Any CPU"? - Stack Overflow
2013年2月7日 · Once that is confirmed, you can check to see what the dll in the debug folder is being built as. It might provide some insight into why you would be getting a bad image format. It is hard to debug these things when you don't know what the environment is like, so I was just trying to eliminate some variables.
x64 build: error MSB8013: This project doesn't contain the ...
2015年10月16日 · Missing Debug|Any CPU build configuration for projects and defaulting to Debug|x86 on Windows x64. 1.
Changing from "Any CPU" to "X64" - Stack Overflow
2019年9月25日 · 2.But if your team has created the x64 solution platform before, but for now part of the projects are still Any CPU, if you don't want to change them one by one, you can click the Active Solution Platform dropdown and choose edit, remove the x64 solution platform. After that re-create new x64 solution platform will help create all x64 project ...
c# - Visual Studio: How to properly build and specify the ...
2013年7月31日 · Make sure that you have the automatically generated debug and release solution configurations. In the solution platforms add in x86 and x64. The default is Any CPU. Select from the solution configuration and platform dropdowns the various permutations of (Debug/Release and x86/x64). Make sure the projects match, which they should.
How do I specify the platform for MSBuild? - Stack Overflow
2010年7月1日 · You may have build configurations e.g., Debug, Release, Dev, UAT, Prod etc defined. This means, you will have MSBuild Configuration transformation setup for the different configurations. These different configurations are usually used when you have different configurations, e.g. different database connection strings, for the different environment.
Visual Studio debugger error: Unable to start program Specified …
What should I do to solve this? Right now I set up cmake to generate also a mingw project and I compile it and debug it with gdb, but this is a really a slow and impractical workflow, and I would like to use the VS debugger. I must say that if I compile with Debug as configuration, the program doesn't even start. I'm using VS2010 Express on ...
error NETSDK1032: The RuntimeIdentifier platform 'win-x86' and …
2020年1月3日 · It can be successfully built with VS for all combinations of Release/Debug and x86/x64. When I try any of two following commands from cmd/powershell it also builds successfully. dotnet build Core31ConsoleApp.sln --configuration Debug --runtime win-x64 dotnet build Core31ConsoleApp.sln --configuration Release --runtime win-x64
Specify architecture and Debug/Release modes in ... - Stack Overflow
2020年9月16日 · My question is how to specify x86, x64 in my nuspec file. You need to place the dlls in a folder named runtimes within sub-folders named {platform}-{architecture}\lib{framework} or {platform}-{architecture}\native. The folder structure: \runtimes \x86 \Debug \Release \x64 \Debug \Release