Writing ordinal numbers: 31st or 31th / 72nd / 178th
2008年10月23日 · Hello all, A colleague of mine has a doubt about the usage of ordinal numbers in English. Which one is correct: 31st or 31th? 41st or 41th (of October) and so forth? I always used 31st/41st etc. but after some research I noticed that 31th/41th etc. appear a lot. Any insights into the usage of...
on/at/as at 31st December | WordReference Forums
2012年2月1日 · Good morning :) I have a doubt in the following sentence: Participation in warehouse physical inventory procedures: raw materials, goods in process and finished products on 31st December 2011. I found different options for the underlined phrase: - on 31st December - at 31st December - as at...
date - 31 de diciembre - WordReference Forums
2009年4月29日 · When spoken, the date will be "December thrity-first", or "December the thirty-first", or "the thirty-first of December". You can therefore write "December 31st" or "the 31st of December" -- as a matter of fact, that is the more formal and old-fashioned way to do this.
New Year's Eve - WordReference Forums
2007年11月30日 · I don't know if it's the same in other countries, but in our French calendars, each day is dedicated to a saint. December 31st is the day of Saint Sylvestre. Then, New Year's Eve happens to be said la nuit de la Saint Sylvestre. We also often say le réveillon du jour de l'an, to refer to the related celebrations.
December 31 (pronunciation) - WordReference Forums
2008年12月29日 · It seems to me - but I could be entirely wrong - that when the date is written at large, we use the cardinal thirty-one instead of the ordinal thirty-first... which I more often saw written as 31st. I'm sure I've heard both the 31st of December and December 31st. But I don't remember hearing December the 31st.
before/by/on December 30th - WordReference Forums
2020年8月7日 · You are correct with the first two, but there is no need for "on" to be so precise here. This sentence is looking backwards in time; the person clearly didn't hand in the composition on or before December 30 th (otherwise neither "by" or "before" would be appropriate either), and it would be fine (and commonplace) for the person saying this sentence to use "on" with the last acceptable date.
for the year ended December 31, 2016 vs. as of December 31, …
2017年5月19日 · Hello, I am trying to figure out the difference between these phrases "for the year ended December 31, 2016 vs. as of December 31, 2016 vs. in 2016". To me they seem to have (nearly) the same meaning, especially "for the year ended December 31, 2016" and "in 2016". Here is some context: "Our...
writing th, rd, st -- e.g. 25th: [superscript?] - WordReference Forums
2011年3月31日 · Style manuals specify which format to use. If you do not have a style manual to follow, you can ask your teacher or supervisor for his or her preference (or requirement), or if you are at liberty to choose your own style, use the format you personally prefer.
Using until or by for validity. - WordReference Forums
2018年9月6日 · Hello guys! I am making a contract paper. In the paper, I have to mention the price validity. If the price valid is September, do I have to use Until or By ? For example, Validity : Until the end of September / Validity : By the end of September Please let …
from this day onwards/onward/on | WordReference Forums
Start date Dec 2, 2011; A. amby Banned. chinese Dec 2, 2011 #1 Can anybody tell me the differences among ...