PDP-8 - Wikipedia
The PDP-8 is a family of 12-bit minicomputers that was produced by Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC). It was the first commercially successful minicomputer, with over 50,000 units sold during the model's lifetime. [1]
PDP-8/e - Wikipedia
The PDP-8/e was a model of the PDP-8 line of minicomputers, designed by the Digital Equipment Corporation to be a general purpose computer that inexpensively met the needs of the average user while also being capable of modular expansion to meet …
IT历史连载61-41岁的小型机之王DEC公司公司的兴衰历史 - 知乎
2023年2月23日 · DEC System 2020(DEC PDP-10: KS-10 )是PDP-10系列的最后一款机型,也是比较低端的型号,运算能力300 KIPS,DEC System 20的1/6,通常用作“部门级”的电脑主机,同时支持10-20个用户操作。
DEC’s Blockbuster: The PDP-8 - CHM Revolution
The Canadian Chalk River Nuclear Lab approached Digital Equipment Corporation in 1964. It needed a special device to monitor a reactor. Instead of designing a custom, hard-wired controller as expected, young DEC engineers C. Gordon Bell and Edson de Castro did something unusual: they developed a small, general purpose computer and programmed it ...
PDP-8 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
PDP-8,由 迪吉多 公司推出的一款 迷你電腦,是 PDP 產品系列之一。 在1965年3月22日推出,是第一款採用 電晶體 技術的迷你電腦,它是第一款成功的商品化 迷你電腦,被認為是 個人電腦 的先驅。 最早的PDP-8,採用封裝在Flip Chip板卡上的電晶體邏輯(Diode–transistor logic)來運 …
(1965) PDP-8: The First Minicomputer: A Revolution in Computing ...
The PDP-8, developed by Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) in 1965, was the first commercially successful minicomputer. Its affordability, compact size, and powerful capabilities made computing technology more accessible to a wide range of users, including businesses, universities, and research institutions, ultimately transforming the ...
PDP-8 - 全球百科
PDP-8 (用户 通常称为“PDP-8”)是 数字 设备公司 (DEC) 的 Programmed Data Processor 系列的 12 位小型 计算机。 它是第一台商业上成功的小型计算机,销量超过 50,000 份, 考虑 到兼容副本,估计甚至高达 300,000 份。 底层 设计 沿用了 LINC 的设计,但减少了指令集,而这又是 PDP-5 指令集的扩展。 后来,DEC 的类似 机器 是 PDP-1 2(PDP-8 的现代化后继产品)和 PDP-14 工业 控制 系统。 最初的 PDP-8,后来被非正式地称为“Straight-8”。
从辉煌走向消亡(下)——小型机之王DEC公司 - CSDN博客
2013年3月7日 · 1967年,卡斯特罗又提出研制16位机器pdp-x计划,以替代过时的12位pdp-8,并建议整合各种互不兼容的dec生产线。 但是,在奥尔森眼里,卡斯特罗是个爱惹麻烦的工程师,经常不遵守工作规程,总喜欢标新立异,他否决了卡斯特罗的计划。
Doug Jones's DEC PDP-8 Index - University of Iowa
The DEC PDP-8 computer, introduced almost 50 years ago on March 22, 1965, is generally recognized as the most important small computer of the 1960's. It was the least expensive parallel general purpose computer on the market, the first computer sold on a retail basis, and the first parallel general purpose digital computer sold in a table-top ...
从ENIAC到DEC PDP-8:计算科技演进史 - 智友网络
第三代主机的代表产品为DEC PDP-8,此款微型电脑堪称全球首创,借助于先进的集成电路技术,进一步缩小体积、降低成本,兼具实用和便携特征。正是这款机器拉开了个人计算机时代的序幕。 PDP-8 from DEC彻底颠覆了人们对计算机的认知,使其从科研与军事领域 ...
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