Bromine-80 - isotopic data and properties - ChemLin
Radioactive Decay. Half-life T ½ = 17.68(2) min (minutes) respectively 1.0608 × 10 3 seconds s.
Isotopes of bromine - Wikipedia
Bromine-75 has a half-life of 97 minutes. [13] This isotope undergoes β + decay rather than electron capture about 76% of the time, [6] so it was used for diagnosis and positron emission …
Isotope data for bromine-80 in the Periodic Table
Detailed decay information for the isotope bromine-80 including decay chains and daughter products.
Bromine-80m - isotopic data and properties - ChemLin
Radioactive Decay. Half-life T ½ = 4.4205(8) h (hours) respectively 1.59138 × 10 4 seconds s.
Isotope decay characteristics are periodically updated as better measurements can be made - changes that may not be reflected on this page. Please see useful links: National Nuclear Data …
The Radioactive Isotopes of Bromine: Isomeric Forms of Bromine 80
The results indicate that the active isotope bromine 80 exists in two isomeric forms, from which it decays with the respective periods of 18 minutes and 4.5 hours.
Bromine Isotopes - List and Properties - ChemLin
All other known bromine nuclides are unstable and decay with half-lives of 57 hours or less. The two following tables list the most important data and properties of the Bromine isotopes. …
Nuclide Information - JAEA
Strong Gamma-rays from Decay of Br- 80 (Compiled from ENSDF as of March 2011) [ Intensities before May 23th of 2013 were values when total intensity of the decay mode was 100(%) and …
Decay Schemes of Br80m and Br82 and Their Properties for Impulse Counting and Autoradiography. I . GENERAL. Some different techniques have been utilized to measure …
Periodic Table of Elements: Br - Bromine (EnvironmentalChemistry.com)
This page provides comprehensive nuclide information for the element element Br - Bromine including: nuclide decay modes, half-life, branch ratios, decay energy, etc.