Why do people like DeCode so much? : r/geometrydash - Reddit
2021年5月29日 · Progression and intensity. Decode is a master of both of these things. The drop is only In 2x speed, which means that when the cube part at 50 hits, you Can speed up to 3x speed and it gets even more intense. Many levels just throw speed at the player asap, but decode avoids this and utilizes it perfectly. Then, you hit the last wave part.
Is it just me or is DeCode extremely overrated difficulty-wise?
2021年12月31日 · Everyone has different skill sets. I thought decode was harder than deadlocked and problematic because of its ufo mainly. My skill set is wack though because I like wave so much. I just went decode -> fear me -> nine circles -> cataclysm for …
How to beat decode : r/geometrydash - Reddit
2021年7月21日 · Practice. The first cube is easy so I won't say anything. The ship requires decent straight flying skills. The UFO you need a pattern.
What's harder: Decode or Deadlocked? : r/geometrydash - Reddit
Decode's only hard part is this fast ufo, but after learning click pattern it's free Reply reply
what will you do on Decode day? : r/geometrydash - Reddit
It was the slope jumps before wave 1(skill issue kinda), one of the tightest ball clicks I ever played in an easy demon, (ufo wasn’t that bad but the transition in and out of it sucked), 2nd wave was annoying to die to because it was free compared to the ship from hell after it literally worse than toe2’s, and lastly I not only died at 97, but had to beat the level 3 times since 2 were in ...
happy decode day everyone! : r/geometrydash - Reddit
2022年3月12日 · Idk man, decode has much better visuals and gameplay then most glowy and spammy demons. Sure it is worse then some levels but its still really good after all this time. Respect your opinion though.
How is decode an easy demon??????? : r/geometrydash - Reddit
2022年2月9日 · Yeah the ufo part is pretty much sh*t. But just practice it, it's literally tye only way. Back when im grinding decode i pretty much able to learn every part in like 370'ish attempts but that forsakken ufo took a whooping 1.2k attempts just to learn consistently.
how was Decode an Insane demon when it first came out?
2023年11月17日 · DeCode was released 8 days after 1.9 came out, specifically 9 years and 1 day ago and adding to this the pc port hadnt release til december 22nd so gd was still mobile exclusive. So at the time of it's release, it had a very tricky wave section. TheMuteTroll's video came out in early-mid 1.9, on the 11th of February 2015.
Unpopular opinion: Sidestep and Decode are too hard to be an
2021年5月15日 · Sidestep and Decode are both easy demons. Decode especially, it took me like twenty minutes to learn and then beat which is super fast by my standards considering I’m a very slow learner. Decode is really not that hard. Sidestep I’d consider a hard easy demon. I still feel like levels such as mechanical showdown gave me more trouble
DeCode as a girl has finally been completed : r/GDafterDark - Reddit
r/GDafterDark decides the decoration style of my level (btw I originally tried doing this on the actual GD subreddit but it got deleted and also they don't allow polls so its much harder)