Decorin - Wikipedia
Decorin is a small cellular or pericellular matrix proteoglycan and is closely related in structure to biglycan protein. Decorin and biglycan are thought to be the result of a gene duplication. This protein is a component of connective tissue, binds to type I collagen fibrils, and plays a role in matrix assembly. [5]
细胞外基质—ELISA新品Decorin - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Decorin能与许多细胞表面受体结合(图2),可以被认为是一种内源性、可溶性的pan-RTK抑制剂,尤其是对富含EGFR、 Met 和VEGFR2的靶细胞。 Decorin结合EGFR抑制肿瘤细胞周期和凋亡,诱导肿瘤蛋白降解并通过Met抑制血管生成。
DCN Gene - GeneCards | PGS2 Protein | PGS2 Antibody
2016年12月24日 · DCN (Decorin) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with DCN include Corneal Dystrophy, Congenital Stromal and Corneal Dystrophy . Among its related pathways are Chondroitin sulfate/dermatan sulfate metabolism and …
The Role of Decorin in Autoimmune and Inflammatory Diseases
Decorin is a multifunctional protein that plays a vital role in various biological processes. Decorin may be involved in immune-related diseases for several important reasons. First, as one of the DAMPs, it can activate pattern recognition receptors such as TLR on innate immune cells.
Decorin: A Growth Factor Antagonist for Tumor Growth Inhibition
Decorin (DCN) is the best characterized member of the extracellular small leucine-rich proteoglycan family present in connective tissues, typically in association with or "decorating" collagen fibrils. It has substantial interest to clinical medicine owing to its antifibrotic, anti-inflammatory, and …
Decorin interacting network: A comprehensive analysis of decorin ...
Decorin, a prototype small leucine-rich proteoglycan, regulates a vast array of cellular processes including collagen fibrillogenesis, wound repair, angiostasis, tumor growth, and autophagy. This functional versatility arises from a wide array of decorin/protein interactions also including interactions with its single glycosaminoglycan side chain.
Decorin: A Guardian from the Matrix - PMC - PubMed Central (PMC)
Decorin, an archetypal member of the small leucine-rich proteoglycan gene family, has a broad binding repertoire that encompasses matrix structural components, such as collagens, and growth factors, particularly those that belong to the transforming growth factor–β ligand superfamily.
Decorin: matrix-based pan-cancer tumor suppressor
2025年2月15日 · Studies have shown that decorin is a potent pan-cancer tumor suppressor that is under-expressed in most cancers. Decorin interacts with receptor tyrosine kinases and functions as a pan-receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor, thereby suppressing oncogenic signals.
核心蛋白聚糖 - 百度百科
Decorin抗肿瘤的 生物活性 检测,是采用MTS/PMS颜料来了解A431细胞被抑 制程度。本文从动物组织中分离、纯化得到Decorin并初步检测到其对人肺癌上 皮细胞株(A549)生长有抑制作用。
三肽10-瓜氨酸——核心聚糖蛋白 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
核心蛋白聚糖(decorin)是一种主要存在于 结蹄组织 中与胶原纤维相关的蛋白多糖。 它属于细胞外富含 亮氨酸 的小分子蛋白聚糖家族,由一个球形的核蛋白和一条含硫酸软骨素/硫酸皮肤素的 糖胺聚糖 (glycosaminoglycan)侧链组成的大分子糖复合物。