Deer Hunting in California's X5a - HuntScore
The deer population in Zone X-5a is at low density and considered stableto slightly declining, ... Create a free account to read the overview!
This information sheet has been prepared to assist deer hunters applying for, or planning to hunt in, Zone X-5a located in portions of Lassen County. The following information should be useful …
California Zone X-5a Unit Profile // GOHUNT. The Hunting Company
Zone X-5a is located in portions of Lassen County in the northeast portion of the state near the Nevada border. Although not in X-5a, Eagle Lake is a nearby, large lake with nice …
2023 Best Deer Zone Hunting Maps and California Hunting Report
Zone X5a is second choice, followed by X4 in the South east area as shown in out hunting map. Check out our hunting map for Lassen County’s X5/X4 zones that are good deer country but to …
Lassen X zone deer and Antelope Guides, Susanville Ca.
X5a, X5b ,X6b,M3, M4 & M5 Hunts, R ifle, archery, and muzzle loader clients can expect to hunt on public ground that is remote and tough. We're looking for bucks that have eluded hunters …
California Hunting, CALHUNT - California Hunting Hot Spots
X Zone Mule Deer: Zones X5b, X5a, and X5c in Lassen County are traditionally the top trophy mule deer areas. If you're lucky enough to be drawn for any of these zones, you chances are …
ZONE X5a and Area-Specific Archery Hunt A8 - ReadkonG.com
The subspecies of deer inhabiting Zone X-5a is the Rocky Mountain mule deer and they are considered migratory deer. Deer generally move to higher elevations in the northwestern …
California Mule Deer Hunting Guide - Trinity Fork Outfitters
Fully guided mule deer and mule deer/black-tailed deer hunts in California’s X and C zones. California’s limited entry units for mule deer consistently produces quality bucks for those …
X5a - California Deer Hunt Zones | hunting Topo Maps
X5a is available under layer Deer Hunt Zones. Please make sure that you have this layer enabled to view outline geometry and other attributes. X5a covers an area that is 522.65 square miles. …
All Hunting in California's X5a - HuntScore
Get unlimited access to over ten years of historical drawing and harvest data for over 1,700+ hunt units. Unlock the secrets of limited license lotteries and discover drawing and harvest trends to …