Novel method to defatten a full thickness skin graft
2010年9月1日 · We present a new method of debulking a full thickness skin graft. After marking the desired template, skin is incised through superficial dermis along the markings. One pole of the graft is chosen to elevate the skin. The graft is elevated with …
Simplifying the defatting of full-thickness skin using “razor strop ...
2016年7月1日 · Razor strop defatting method facilitates full-thickness skin harvesting. This method does not require any need to purchase specialized equipment. Defatting is usually required when patients undergo fullthickness skin grafting.
A Simple and Effective Approach to Defatting Large Surface Area …
We present a straightforward, effective, and easily applied technique for the preparation of large FTSGs. The idea is simple: the FTSG is stabilized under tension on a curved surface of rolled surgical towels rather than on the surgeon’s finger. Then, it is defatted, mainly with a scalpel, and tailored with scissors.
A simple method to facilitate full-thickness skin graft harvest
2009年2月1日 · Full-thickness skin grafting is used frequently for people with burns and secondary defects, for example after contracture release across eyelids, face or hands. To increase the chance of full-thickness take, the graft needs to be free of fat. This is usually ensured by defatting with scissors following harvest [2].
the subcutaneous fat but do not “defat” the skin here as you did when harvesting the graft. In the pos cissors or diathermy, undermine the skin around the donor site by dividing the subcutaneous fat. Do not follow the same plane th
Rough technique harvesting FTSG: defatting of graft (left), after …
In the rapid technique where the skin is harvested with its subcutaneous attachments, there will be need of a following defatting process, since those structure may prevent graft vascularisation....
VERSAJETtm Hydrosurgery Technique for the Preparation of Full …
2010年7月1日 · VERSAJET Hydrosurgery system to defat and remove connective tissue from deep surface of FTSG, starting on setting of 4-6 (A and inset). Near completion of debridement; note capability to remove variable depths to render an STSG from an FTSG (B and inset).
A Novel Technique of Defattening Large Full Thickness Skin Grafts
2015年12月1日 · We have tried a novel way of defattening of a large FTSG by placing it over the dorsum of the non dominant hand of the assistant with dermal side facing upwards and defattening by using sharp scissors [Table/Fig-2a,b].
A simple method to facilitate full-thickness skin graft harvest
2008年9月1日 · We describe here a simple method that will make harvesting a full thickness skin graft an easy task. The procedure will allow the surgeon to take the graft with no fat attached to it, therefore...
[피부이식] 전층 피부이식 수술 (FTSG, full thickness skin graft, …
2024年2月20日 · 오늘은 피부이식수술 중에서도 특히 전층 피부이식술 (FTSG) 에 대해 살펴보았습니다. 비교적 얕은 결손이나 경한 결손에 사용될 수 있는 피부이식수술은 재건분야, 성형분야에 꼭 필요한 치료방법이 되겠습니다.