SYMPATHY Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
Sympathy is a feeling of sincere concern for someone who is experiencing something difficult or painful. Empathy involves actively sharing in the person’s emotional experience. Sympathy has been in use since the 16th century.
SYMPATHY | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
SYMPATHY definition: 1. (an expression of) understanding and care for someone else's suffering: 2. to express your…. Learn more.
The Difference Between Empathy And Sympathy - Simply Psychology
2023年9月29日 · Sympathy and empathy are two closely related but distinct emotions. Sympathy involves feeling sorry or pity for someone, whereas empathy involves understanding and sharing someone’s feelings. Sympathy is more of an external expression of emotion, while empathy is an internal emotional response.
SYMPATHY Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
Sympathy most commonly means the sharing of emotions with someone else, especially sadness. This is usually understood to mean that you feel bad for them because they are in a …
Sympathy - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms - Vocabulary.com
Sympathy is a feeling of pity or sense of compassion — it's when you feel bad for someone else who's going through something hard. The ability to feel sympathy for others is a great part of …
Sympathy Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary
SYMPATHY meaning: 1 : the feeling that you care about and are sorry about someone else's trouble, grief, misfortune, etc. a sympathetic feeling often + for often + for; 2 : a feeling of support for something often + for often + with
sympathy noun - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage …
[uncountable, countable, usually plural] the feeling of being sorry for somebody; showing that you understand and care about somebody’s problems. I have no sympathy for Jan—it's all her own fault. I wish he'd show me a little more sympathy. Our heartfelt sympathy goes out …
SYMPATHY definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
noun: (= compassion) compasión; (= agreement) solidaridad; (= affinity) comprensión, afinidad [...] If you have sympathy for someone who has had a misfortune, you are sorry for them, and show this in the way you behave towards them. We expressed our sympathy for her loss.
Sympathy - definition of sympathy by The Free Dictionary
sympathy signifies a general kinship with another's feelings, no matter of what kind: sympathy with their yearning for freedom; sympathy for the bereaved. compassion implies a deep sympathy for the sorrows or troubles of another, and a powerful urge to alleviate distress: compassion for homeless refugees.
Meaning of sympathy – Learner’s Dictionary - Cambridge Dictionary
SYMPATHY definition: 1. the feeling that you understand and care about someone's problems: 2. agreement with or support…. Learn more.