Decadence - Wikipedia
Decadence is a popular criticism of the culture of the later Roman Empire's elites, seen also in much of its earlier historiography and 19th and early 20th century art depicting Roman life. This criticism describes the later Roman Empire as reveling in luxury, in its extreme characterized by corrupting "extravagance, weakness, and sexual deviance", as well …
Dekadence - Wikipedie
Dekadence (z lat. de-cadentia od cadere, padat) znamená úpadek, rozpad; odtud přídavné jméno dekadentní, úpadkový. Pojem dekadence se objevil ve středověké latině, odkud přešel do většiny národních jazyků. [1]
DECADENCE中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
Decadent movement - Wikipedia
The 1878 Pornokratès by Belgian artist Félicien Rops. The Decadent movement (from the French décadence, lit. ' decay ') was a late 19th-century artistic and literary movement, centered in Western Europe, that followed an aesthetic ideology of excess and artificiality. The Decadent movement first flourished in France and then spread throughout Europe and …
DECADENCE Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of DECADENCE is the process of becoming decadent : the quality or state of being decadent. How to use decadence in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Decadence.
DECADENCE | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
DECADENCE definition: 1. low moral standards and behaviour: 2. low moral standards and behavior: 3. a state of low…. Learn more.
Decadence | Victorian, Symbolism, Aestheticism | Britannica
Decadence, a period of decline or deterioration of art or literature that follows an era of great achievement. Examples include the Silver Age of Latin literature, which began about ad 18 following the end of the Golden Age, and the Decadent movement at the end of …
DEKADENCE, LITERATŪRĀ | Atbild Nacionālā enciklopēdija
Dekadence bija sarežģīts un pretrunīgs strāvojums, ko noteica sabiedrības apziņas krīze, mākslinieku apjukums aso sociālo pretrunu priekšā. Balansējot starp reālo un ideālo pasauli, dekadenti meklēja spilgtākas izteiksmes formas, tādēļ pagrimuma un bojāejas idejas radīja jaunas mākslas formas un aktivizēja radošos ...
Decadence - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Thomas Couture: Les Romains de la décadence, 1847 A Decadent Girl, by Ramón Casas, 1899. Decadence (pronounced: DEK-a-dence) means a state in which people are behaving in a way that is regarded by some people as being morally bad. The adjective is 'decadent'. It has nothing to do with the word decade (10 years).
decadence - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
2025年1月31日 · Czech: dekadence f, úpadek Danish: dekadence c, forfald n; Esperanto: dekadenco Finnish: dekadenssi , moraalinen mädännäisyys; French: décadence f, …