Hardwood Floor Oil | Deks Olje D1 | Owatrol USA
Deks Olje D1 is a saturating wood oil which replaces lost oils, feeding the wood. It drives out any moisture and air present in the wood and fills the pores with oil. This enriches and stabilizes the wood to provide long-lasting protection to both interior and exterior timber.
- 评论数: 14
High Gloss Wood Finish | Deks Olje D2 | Owatrol USA
Deks Olje D2 is a varnish-like, tough, flexible and durable finish that enhances the natural beauty of both interior and exterior wood. It forms a highly flexible film which moves with the wood to prevent peeling and flaking. Deks Olje D2 is easy to apply and to maintain and the more coats you apply the more high gloss the finish will be.
- 评论数: 1
Deks Olje - The WoodenBoat Forum
2022年12月7日 · I have tried Deks Olye several times, Its easy to apply & probably works best on softwoods or timbers it can soak into, A durable coating it isnt, you still have to apply maintenance coats every few months.
deksov deksov.com
deksov deksov.com
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Я являюсь Талантливым дизайнером флористики. Имею опыт ведения соб...
Bedding? - cascity.com
2012年12月30日 · In th past, when I lived in the California Delta, I found that the only coating that would last a year in the California weather was a product called Deks Olje (pronounced deks olay). For preparation, all that is normally required is a wash with teak soap (or any lightweight murianic acid wash).
Deks-Dekstrip Flashing Flyer(条形盖片)
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东易奇思 – mooool
Deks Olje D2 | High Gloss Wood Finish| Owatrol Direct
Deks Olje D2 is a varnish-like, tough, flexible and durable finish that enhances the natural beauty of both interior and exterior wood. It forms a highly flexible film which moves with the wood to prevent peeling and flaking. Deks Olje D2 is easy to apply and to maintain and the more coats you apply the more high gloss the finish will be.
- 评论数: 2