20" HP ProDisplay P203 - Specifications
Specifications of HP ProDisplay P203. Display: 20 in, TN, W-LED, 1600 x 900 pixels, Viewing angles (H/V): 170 ° / 160 °, Brightness: 250 cd/m², Static contrast: 1000 : 1, Dynamic contrast: 5000000 : 1, Refresh rate: 60 Hz, NTSC: 72 %, Dimensions: 482 x 308 x 55 mm, Weight: 2.7 kg.
20" HP ProDisplay P203 - Display - DisplaySpecifications
Information about the diagonal size of the display of HP ProDisplay P203 and its resolution. Comparison with the size and resolution of other HP models and models by other brands. HP ProDisplay P203 is also known as HP X7R53AA, HP X7R53A8.
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HP ProDisplay P203 20 英寸显示器 | HP® 支持 - HP Customer …
查找支持和故障排除信息,包括针对您产品的软件、驱动程序、规格和手册 HP ProDisplay P203 20 英寸显示器
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产品简介:惠普 P203,产品类型LED显示器,产品定位大众实用,屏幕尺寸20英寸,最佳分辨率1600×900,屏幕比例16:9(宽屏),高清标准720p(高清),面板类型VA,背光类型LED背光,静态对比度1000:1,响应时间5ms。
Brand New HP ProDisplay Pro Display P203 20-inch Monitor …
2025年1月16日 · Used HP ProDisplay P203 20" LED Computer Monitor LCD Display Needed a replacement for HP W2082a and this unit did the trick. Verified purchase: Yes Condition: Pre-Owned