Question regarding Kronecker Delta - Physics Forums
2013年8月29日 · Question regarding Kronecker Delta and index notation I am reading a book which covers the Kronecker delta and shows some examples of how it works. One of the …
Proof? Kronecker delta is the only isotropic second rank tensor
2014年8月1日 · If a,b,i,j are all different, then this expression is zero. But let's try ab = 12 and ij = 13 for definiteness. Then it equals T 23. Thus, for number of dimensions >= 3, all off-diagonal …
Covariant and Contravariant Kronecker Delta operating on Tensor
2011年8月22日 · I am aware that the following operation: mathbf{M}_{ij} \delta_{ij} produces mathbf{M}_{ii} or mathbf{M}_jj However, if we have the... Insights Blog -- Browse All Articles -- …
Show that the Kronecker delta retains its form under any …
2019年8月16日 · What is throwing me is that the textbook literally says, "[referring to isotropic tensors] It can easily be verified (see Exercise 1.8) that the Kronecker delta ##d_{ij}## has …
Matrix Multiplication of \delta_{ij}v_j = v_i - Physics Forums
2007年9月1日 · Homework Statement Show by matrix multiplication, \\delta_{ij}v_j = v_i The Attempt at a Solution I'm having trouble understanding how to do this, because I'm under the …
Linear & Vector Algebra: Kronecker delta & Levi-Civita symbol
2006年3月31日 · [itex]\delta_{ij}[/itex] is the (i, j)-th component in the matrix representation of the kroneker delta 1, according to whatever basis you've chosen. 1: if you're actually using tensor …
Kronecker Delta summation (easy) - Physics Forums
2016年8月27日 · Hi PF! As outlined in my book ##\delta_{ij} \delta_{jk} = \delta_{ik}## but don't we sum over repeated indices (and the ##j## is repeated)?
Why does the Kronecker delta interchange with itself when j …
2011年9月3日 · There's nothing in the definition of [itex]\delta_{ij}[/itex] that says that i and j represents rows and columns, but for each value of i and j, [itex]\delta_{ij}[/itex] happens to be …
Kronecker delta in index notation - Physics Forums
2010年2月10日 · Homework Equations \delta_{ij}=1 if i = j and 0 otherwise The Attempt at a Solution What... Insights Blog -- Browse All Articles -- Physics Articles Physics Tutorials …
Evaluate expression with permutaion symbol and Kronecker delta
2012年9月9日 · This isn't quite right. If i≠j, the first quantity is 0, but ##\delta_{ii}## is always equal to 1. Without the summations, the best you can say is [itex]\delta_{ij}\delta_{ji}=\delta_{ij}[/itex]. …