Dendra2 :: Fluorescent Protein Database
Dendra2 is a photoconvertible green fluorescent protein published in 2006, derived from Dendronephthya sp.. It has high acid sensitivity. Dendra2 was derived from Dendra with the following mutations: M1_N2insNTPGI/A224V. PS-CFP2 …
因此,Dendra2是示踪蛋 白质动态(蛋白质的移位、降解等)和实 时监测选定细胞行为的理想选择。 Dendra2在20℃和37℃下发色团 成熟快,适用于广泛的实验。哺乳动物 细胞瞬时转染Dendra210-12个小时 后,可检测到均一分布的绿色荧光信号 (例如没有凝聚现象)。Dendra2对 ...
Tracking intracellular protein movements using photoswitchable …
2007年8月16日 · Dendra2 provides a high-contrasting green-to-red photoconversion and it is an attractive tag for diverse experimental models. Activation by approximately 400-nm light is reliable and efficient.
2020年10月29日 · 商业化开发的Dendra2是第一个单体红色到绿色的光转换蛋白。 另一个广泛使用的荧光荧光笔是tdEosFP,它主要从石珊瑚Labophyllia hemprichii中分离出来。 串联二聚体在近紫外光照射后可以从绿色荧光转换为红色荧光,很高兴用于超分辨率显微镜,单体版 …
Using Photoactivatable Fluorescent Protein Dendra2 to Track …
2018年5月16日 · Here we provide detailed recommendations on application of the monomeric green-to-red photoconvertible fluorescent protein Dendra2 for protein tracking in living cultured cells.
光激活、光转化和光控开关荧光蛋白 | 显微镜知识库 | 徕卡显微系统
2023年6月2日 · 与mEos2和Dendra2一起,这种蛋白成了超分辨率成像常用的荧光蛋白。 光控开关蛋白 光激活是从非荧光状态到荧光状态的不可逆转换,而光开关蛋白能够在这两种状态之间穿梭[7]。
Fluorescent protein Dendra2 as a ratiometric genetically encoded pH ...
2017年12月2日 · Dendra2 is a monomeric green-to-red photoconvertible fluorescent protein. Photoconverted form of Dendra2 fluoresces green at low pH and red at high pH. It can be used as a ratiometric pH sensor using photoconverted Dendra2-specific excitation peak. Dendra2 is suitable for pH measurements in physiological range in live cells.
Fluorescent protein Dendra2 as a ratiometric genetically
2017年12月2日 · Fluorescent protein Dendra2 is a monomeric GFP-like protein that belongs to the group of Kaede-like photoconvertible fluorescent proteins with irreversible photoconversion from a green- to red-emitting state when exposed to violet-blue light. In an acidic environment, photoconverted Dendra2 turns gr …
Evrogen Dendra2: Detailed description
Dendra2 is an improved version of a green-to-red photoswitchable fluorescent protein Dendra, derived from octocoral Dendronephthya sp. [Gurskaya et al., 2006]. Dendra2 exhibits faster maturation and brighter fluorescence both before and after photoswitching than that of Dendra.
The Photoconvertible Fluorescent Protein Dendra2 Tag as a …
Fluorescence proteins changing spectral properties after exposure to light with a specific wavelength have recently become outstanding aids in the study of intracellular protein dynamics. Herein we show using Arabidopsis SYNAPTOTAGMIN 1 as a model protein that the Dendra2 green to red photoconvertib …