Denel NTW-20 - Wikipedia
The NTW-20 is a South African anti-materiel rifle, developed by Denel Mechem in the 1990s. It is intended for deployment against targets including parked aircraft, telecommunication masts, power lines, missile sites, radar installations, refineries, satellite dishes , gun emplacements, bunkers , and personnel, using a range of specialised ...
丹尼爾NTW-20反器材步槍 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
NTW-20 是由 南非 丹尼爾防衛企業 (英語: Denel Mechem)於1990年代研製的大口徑 反器材 狙擊步槍。 此槍的設計宗旨是成為一種可用作打擊多種目標(例如:停泊的 飛機 、通信桅杆、 電源線 、 飛彈 陣地、 雷達 裝置、 煉油廠 、 衛星天線 、 砲台 、 碉堡 和人員等)的多用途狙擊步槍,並可發射各種特殊彈藥。 就像許多同類型的武器一樣,NTW系列狙擊步槍亦可用於 反狙擊 作戰和爆炸物處理。 南非開發NTW-20的原因,或許和種族隔離造成的武器禁運有關,因為缺乏 …
NTW-20 反器材步枪 - 枪炮世界
NTW-20是一种远距离反器材步枪,适合南非空旷广阔的平原使用。 它有两个型号,20mm口径型和14.5mm口径型,后者也被称为NTW-14.5,但事实上不需要完全分解或改装武器就能在这两种型号之间进行转换,只需要更换枪机、枪管、瞄准装置和弹匣,操作简单,不需要专门的工具,例如枪管的固定螺母只要用两个弹壳底缘分别插入螺母沟槽里就能拧紧或拧松螺母,在野战条件下大约1分钟内就能转换口径。
NTW-20狙击步枪 - 百度百科
Denel NTW 20: A Multi-Caliber Anti-Material Rifle
2018年9月7日 · From a military perspective, the NTW-20 is easily broken apart into barrel and action loads, and can be transported more easily than any comparable weapon by a two-man team. The use of a recoil buffer in the action and an effective muzzle brake makes it a remarkably pleasant 20mm rifle to fire.
Denel NTW-20 Anti-Materiel Rifle (AMR) - Military Factory
2019年2月4日 · As it stands, the NTW-20 fires one of the most powerful cartridges available to a relatively portable anti-materiel rifle. It is noteworthy that the NTW-20 showcases what is believed to be the largest amount of recoil of any known personal weapon, often times detailed as the most recoil an average soldier can control.
Denel NTW-20: Photos, History, Specification - Military …
The "lightest" NTW-20 is a 14.5x114mm (NTW-14.5) caliber model developed from the base NTW-20. Differences include a folding handle under the stock that doubles as an adjustable monopod and an easier barrel removal process.
全球威力最猛的狙击步枪 - 百家号
Denel NTW-20这款重型反器材狙击步枪,是20世纪90年代由南非Denel Land Systems公司研发制造的,有着“世界上威力最强的狙击步枪”这一赞誉。 它是专门针对打击装甲目标、设备以及应对远距离威胁而设计的,将强大的火力与出色的精度完美融合,在现代战场上成为 ...
Denel NTW-20
The Denel NTW-20 is a South African anti-materiel rifle developed by Denel Land Systems to engage high-value targets such as radar installations, parked aircraft, and lightly armored vehicles. Designed in the 1990s by Tony Neophytou, the NTW-20 is a bolt-action, magazine-fed rifle that is unique for its ability to be chambered in both 20mm and ...
Denel NTW-20 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The NTW-20 is a South African anti-materiel rifle or large-calibre sniper rifle, developed by Denel Mechem in the 1990s. It is intended for deployment against a wide variety of targets, including parked aircraft, telecommunication masts, power lines, missile sites, radar installations, refineries, satellite dishes , gun emplacements, bunkers ...