Deng Pufang - Wikipedia
Deng Pufang (simplified Chinese: 邓朴方; traditional Chinese: 鄧樸方; pinyin: Dèng Pǔfāng) (born 16 April 1944) is a Chinese politician, who is the eldest son of former Chinese paramount leader Deng Xiaoping. [1] He is mostly known for being injured during the Cultural Revolution by the Red Guards and becoming a paraplegic.
2005年11月19日, 国际残疾人奥林匹克委员会 授予邓朴方“国际残奥委勋章”,以表彰他为推动国际残奥运动的发展做出的杰出贡献,是首位荣获“国际残奥委勋章”的中国人。 [9] 2007年10月18日,美国社会心理康复协会授予邓朴方“格拉尔尼克奖”,以表彰他在改善中国精神病患者生活状况方面所作出的贡献。 [10] 邓朴方,男,汉族,1944年4月生,四川广安人,1965年9月加入中国共产党,1968年9月参加工作,北京大学技术物理系原子核物理专业毕业,大学学历。 曾任第十六 …
邓朴方 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
邓朴方 (1944年4月16日 —), 四川 广安 人, 中国前最高领导人 邓小平 的长子,下身瘫痪的 障礙人士。 第十一届 全国政协 副主席,第五届 中国残疾人联合会 主席团名誉主席, 中国康华发展总公司 前董事长。 中共第十五届、十六届中央候补委员。 第九届、十届全国政协常务委员。 邓朴方生于 山西省 遼縣 麻田镇云头底村 [1],父母是 邓小平 和 卓琳 [2]。 “朴方”之名为 刘伯承 所取,取其“纯朴方正”之意。 他在家里被 父 母 称为胖子,这一点在 中央电视台 历史剧 历史转折 …
邓普方 - 华文百科
Deng Pufang (简化的中文:邓朴方;传统中文:邓朴方; Pinyin : DèngPǔfāng )(出生于1944年4月16日)是一位中国政客,是前中国派拉蒙领导人邓小平的长子。 他以红色卫队在文化大革命期间受伤并成为截瘫的人而闻名。 从那以后...
Deng Xiaoping’s son urges China to ‘know its place’ and not be ...
2018年10月30日 · An influential son of Deng Xiaoping, the former Chinese leader who steered the country towards decades of economic growth, urged his government to “keep a sober mind” and “know its place”,...
Crusades for Understanding on U.S. Trip : Deng's Disabled Son …
1987年10月16日 · Yet it has not stopped the son of China’s leader, Deng Xiaoping, from embarking on what he considers a vital mission, a three-week trip to America to help increase public consciousness about the...
Deng Pufang's paraplegia is not surprising. Deng and his federation associates, in their efforts to develop the federation bureaucracy over the last decade, have carefully deployed and packaged his persona, particularly his bodily presence. This …
Deng Pufang, the eldest son of Deng Xiaoping, became disabled …
2024年11月5日 · Deng Pufang, a brave man who fell from a high-rise building in Peking University and became paralyzed, was not defeated by adversity after experiencing many blows in life.
Deng Pufang, the eldest son of Deng Xiaoping, jumped off a …
2024年12月23日 · Deng Pufang, born in 1944, is the eldest son of Deng Xiaoping, a famous patriarch of the Eastern country. As a "second-generation red", Deng Pufang has attracted much attention since he was a child.
Deng Pufang - AceArchive
2023年2月24日 · Deng Pufang is the eldest son of former Chinese Vice Premier Deng Xiaoping. He was injured by the Red Guards during the Cultural Revolution and has since dedicated his life to improving the rights of people with disabilities, founding the China Welfare Fund for the Disabled and becoming chairman of the China Disabled Persons' Federation.