Review: Denon DCD-1560 CD Player - Audiogon Discussion Forum
2002年9月12日 · Well my now primary CD Player has developed tracking problems and needs service. So the Denon DCD 1560 is pressed into service. But before that I decided to trade in the 1560 for the new NAD 542 CD Player. So I packed up the 1560 went to the local NAD dealer to see what kind of deal I could make. New the NAD 542 is $499.95.
Review: Denon DCD-1560 CD Player - Audiogon Discussion Forum
2002年9月12日 · To extract the most from this CD Player it needs a good preamp and power amp. It is unforgiving if the rest of the system is not up to the task. But with the given of having the proper PreAmp and Power Amp as well as decent speakers,this CD Player from Denon can deliver sonics that are on par with todays CD Players up to the $1,500.00 range.
Review: Denon DCD-1560 CD Player - Audiogon Discussion Forum
2002年9月12日 · I have had this unit for quite sometime now.This was a NOS unit. This has been a total plug n play unit and has never given a moments problem. This is a single tray CD Player with way above average transport. Controls have that solid feel,nothing flimsy here. Weighs in at least 20 pounds. For a CD Player it is heavy.
Review: Denon DCD-1560 CD Player - Audiogon Discussion Forum
2002年9月12日 · I bought this denon DCD 1560 CD Player in the early 90's and still have it. Yes I was lucky that I bought it as I also didn't know back then that some were better than others. This player has outlasted 3-4 others in the last 10 -12 years since and still sounds better than anything I've heard. Every few years this unit will skip due to lens dirt.
Audiogon Discussion Forum
2015年8月18日 · The last Denon digital player to come through here was the Denon DCD 1560 dedicated CD player. Which I used for many years prior to getting the Audio Analogue CDP. It is nice to know that the Denon DVD 2900 uses the Burr-Brown 24 bit 192kHz audio D/A converter and is isolated from the video section.
Review: Denon DCD-1560 CD Player - Audiogon Discussion Forum
2002年9月12日 · To extract the most from this CD Player it needs a good preamp and power amp. It is unforgiving if the rest of the system is not up to the task. But with the given of having the proper PreAmp and Power Amp as well as decent speakers,this CD Player from Denon can deliver sonics that are on par with todays CD Players up to the $1,500.00 range.
Audiogon Discussion Forum
2004年9月11日 · At present these are powered by an Acurus DIA 100 Integrated Amplifier,with a venerable Denon DCD 1560 CD Player handling the playback. A very basic system. The listening test was quite pleasurable and the DCM TF 350 have that distinctive Time Window sonic signature. DCM did not stray far from the Time Window success.
Audiogon Discussion Forum
2008年10月27日 · The world's largest high-end audio community. Virtual Systems Let the world see what you've built. Bluebook The right price.
Audiogon Discussion Forum
2019年2月21日 · 1. What sort of (USB?, other??) wire on one end to left & right RCA cable on the other end would I need to route, in wall/ceiling, from Mac to integrated amp to achieve the same sound quality from these ripped files as what I previously experienced with a stand alone CD player ? (My Denon DCD-1560 player, from the mid ‘80s has bitten the dust.)
Audiogon Discussion Forum
2004年3月31日 · Spurred on by the sound of the Denon/Mission minisystem, I was able to find the DRA-375 online at a really low price. I mated it with Mission 701 speakers and a Harman/Kardon CD player (also cheap online purchases). Pretty darn good sound for a very cheap - sub $400 - system (about half what the Denon minisystem would have cost me at the box ...