G4S イ ンジェクタは,静リークが発生をする微小伱間の摺動 部を持たないことから,摺動部摩耗によるリーク流路 の増大が発生せず,経時的に安定したリーク特性が得 られる. Fig. 3 Structure and Operation of 4th Generation solenoid Injector Fig. 4 Fuel leakage
Internal Combustion Engine Vehicle ( Diesel ) | Power-train ... - DENSO
Injects super-high pressure fuel in multiple stages. The employed i-ART increases accuracy, to realize further improvements in fuel economy and clean emission. Accurately detects exhaust gas components and temperature to remove hazardous materials. The EGR control, LNT/SCR control, DPF regeneration control realize clean emission.
The New Denso Common Rail Diesel Solenoid Injector
2013年12月19日 · The new G4S injector from Denso with a three-way valve function improves hydraulic efficiency, thus cutting fuel consumption by around 1 %. A 75 % reduction in moving masses results in significantly improved hydraulics.
パワートレインシステム | 製品・サービス - DENSO
排ガス中の成分や温度を正確に検出し有害物質を除去するシステムです。 EGR制御、LNT/SCR制御、DPF再生制御でクリーンな排気を実現します。 燃料タンクから燃料をエンジンに供給するシステムです。 燃料ポンプの回転数を最適に制御することで燃費向上に貢献します。 超高圧、多段で燃料を噴射するシステムです。 中・大型車まで対応し、燃費向上、クリーンな排気、低騒音を実現します。 「ディーゼルエンジン車」をご覧いただけます。 デンソーは、 …
THE NEW DENSO COMMON RAIL DIESEL SOLENOID INJECTOR The new G4S injector from Denso with a three-way valve function improves hydraulic efficiency, thus cutting fu-el consumption by around 1 %. A 75 % reduction in moving …
G4S Inyector Denso | PDF | Fuel Injection | Diesel Engine - Scribd
The document discusses Denso's new G4S common rail diesel solenoid injector. It improves fuel efficiency by around 1% through enhanced hydraulic efficiency. A 75% reduction in moving masses results in significantly improved hydraulics and injection accuracy.
Denso g4 | PDF | Fuel Injection | Engine Technology - Scribd
This document summarizes new information about Denso's G4S injectors. The G4S injectors have increased maximum injection pressure to 250 MPa. They are also static leakless and some models include intelligent accuracy refinement technology …
Current G4S injector versus new G4.5S injector with
In this study, isopropanol and n-pentanol are blended in diesel with 20% ratio by volume, named D80IP20 and D80NP20. Their combustion and emission performances were compared with diesel on a four...
DENSO PRODUCT RANGE The G4S injector can operate at 2500 to 3000 bar and uses a three way valve function. This improves the overall hydraulic performance which in turn reduces emissions, minimises fuel consumption and gains higher power. Part Number: 295700-#### PFR (Pintle-Forming Radius) Pumps are flange
denso g4 - PDFCOFFEE.COM
Mechanisms and Features The mechanisms and features of the G4S injector are as explained below. Maximum injection pressure increased to 250 MPa. A static leakless* type model due to the elimination of high pressure sliding surfaces such as a command pistons. There are also i-ART (Intelligent Accuracy Refinement Technology) type models with ...