VS-068/087|垂直多关节|产品|工业用机器人|DENSO WAVE
WINCAPSⅢ 在程序上进行DENSO机械手编程(PAC语言、PacScript)和模拟的软件 高精度校准(Hi-Cal) 通过提高绝对精度,减少机器人间的差异,能够大幅度地减少示教工时。
VS-050/060|5-and 6-Axis Robots|products|industrial robots|DENSO …
This page introduces DENSO WAVE’s 5-and 6-Axis Robots"VS-050/060”. DENSO WAVE serves as a leader in developing and manufacturing automatic data capture devices for QR codes and IC cards and industrial robots (FA equipment), etc.
VS-6556/6577|垂直多关节机器人|产品|工业用机器人|DENSO WAVE
此处介绍DENSO WAVE的垂直多关节机器人“VS-6556/6577”。 DENSO WAVE是开展QR码及IC卡自动识别设备、工业用机器人(FA设备)等产品的开发、制造业务的行业龙头企业。
5- and 6-Axis Robots VS-068 and VS-087 | DENSO Robotics
Robot Series VS-068 and VS-087 by DENSO: Slim design robots featuring top-performing speed in its class with significantly-improved eases of use.
DENSO 6軸 垂直多关机器人:VS系列 VS-068/VS-087_电装(DENSO…
1.负荷1kg时,用机器人将物体提升至25mm的高度后在相距300mm的2点之间往复所需的时间。 2.位置重复精度为周围温度保持不变时的精度。 3.只有φ4 × 6可用内置电磁阀控制。 5.与通信电缆凸缘规格-A同时选择时,本线(邻近传感器等的信号线)为4芯。 6.与通信电缆凸缘规格-A同时选择时,本线(邻近传感器等的信号线)为4芯。 7.有容许电流的限制。 8.与连接器面板连接的LAN电缆为20m以下。 9.请不要在水中运作。 下一个:
5- and 6-Axis Robots VS-6556 and VS-6577 | DENSO Robotics
DENSO Robotics Europe presents the Robot Series VS-6556 and the Robot VS-6577 with high speed and high power in a compact, slim body.
VS 系列 - 易控機器人股份有限公司
1.負荷1kg時,用機器人將物體提升至25mm的高度後在相距300mm的2點之間往復所需的時間。 2.位置重複精度為周圍溫度保持不變時的精度。 3.只有φ4 × 6可用內置電磁閥控制。 5.與通信 …
VSA Series 6-axis Articulated Robots | DENSO Robotics
The VSA Series 6-axis articulated robots offer the world’s highest speed and precision for their class. Their design, which is even more compact than previous models, features ultraslim arms to facilitate integration and an optional bottom-side cable connection that saves valuable floor space.
DENSO and DENSO Wave Receive World-renowned iF Design Award for New VS ...
Designed for maximum ease of use, the new VS Series are compact industrial robots that move at the world's fastest speed* and have the world's slimmest arms* in their class. This series comes in four types each with a different arm length - the award-winning VS-068 has the second longest.
VS Robot Series VS050/060|Works|DENSO DESIGN
VS Robot Series VS050/060 2010 A compact articulated robot for industrial use, which provides automation and labor savings to the production factory.