2010年,“燃油汽车发明者”奔驰和“新能源汽车领导者”比亚迪不约而同萌生了对新能源豪华车的渴望。带着对实现未来电动出行的美好愿景,双方优势互补,基于比亚迪全球领先的三电技术,和奔驰全球领先的智能制造,整车调校,品质体系之大成,成立了中国第一家定位高端的新能源汽车合 …
作为代步工具合格,距离完美尚存差距——DENZA 腾势 400 使用 …
2017年8月29日 · 加速猛,尤其0-60以内的加速非常迅速,但是对于后半段加速,尤其80-100左右的加速(当然除特斯拉外...),还是略显无力,腾势400的官方资料中,中低配版本电动机为86kw,最大扭矩为290(高配为135/300),尽管与EA888二代1.8T发动机118kw/250NM接近,但电动机动力传递 ...
Denza 400 - Electrek
The vehicle, called Denza 400, is based on the Mercedes-Benz B-Class platform, which is already offered in an all-electric version in Europe, but the Denza 400 features a new 62 kWh battery...
純電動七座豪華MPV 騰勢Denza D9四驅版香港首試|雙馬達四 …
2024年6月29日 · Denza D9旗艦型Premium AWD四驅版搭載上103kWh刀片鋰電,前後馬達四驅,綜合輸出馬力275kW(374ps)、扭力470Nm,0-100km/h加速6.9秒,續航力約580km(NEDC),可支援最高166kW DC快充,由30%充至80%需時約30分鐘。
腾势汽车 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
同年8月, 腾势D9 ( 英语 : Denza D9 ) MPV发布,有插电式混合动力和纯电动两种版本 [18] 。 该公司宣布扩大其经销商网络,计划到2022年底在中国大陆范围内开设270个新经销商 [ 19 ] 。
China’s New DENZA 400 EV Has a Driving Range of 400 Km
2016年8月24日 · Made in China for the local market, the new EV features improved battery density that increases its capacity from 47.5 kWh to 62 kWh while retaining the original size. As a result, the DENZA 400 boasts more than double the range of the Mercedes B-Class Electric Drive with which it shares the platform.
BYD-Daimler’s Denza 400 brings 400 km electric range - Paul …
2016年8月25日 · First seen at Auto China 2012, the Denza has been upgraded with a new battery, electric motor and electronic control to give it a maximum range of 400 km on a full charge, up from 300 km...
The Denza 400, a global leader in the fully electric car market
2016年9月1日 · The Denza 400, to be launched nationwide this month, has extended its driving range to a class-leading 400 kilometers between charges, after upgrading its battery capacity to 62 kilowatt-hours ...
Denza 400 | News, Specs, Range, Details, Pics | Digital Trends
2016年8月23日 · Designed jointly by Mercedes-Benz parent Daimler and BYD, the Denza 400 can drive for up to 293 miles on a single charge.
BYD Denza 400 points to Daimler's EV future - New Atlas
2016年8月26日 · The Chinese BYD Denza 400 shares a basic platform with the Mercedes B-Class EV launched in 2014, but improvements in the production process mean a battery of the same size now provides twice the...