Geocoding System - Federal Financial Institutions Examination …
Geocoding refers to the Metropolitan Statistical Area/Metropolitan Division (MSA/MD), State, County, Census Tract combination (address information) that must be provided for each reported loan application and the System allows institutions to enter a street address to determine the corresponding geocode.
geocoding | Flutter package - Pub
2024年3月13日 · A Flutter Geocoding plugin which provides easy geocoding and reverse-geocoding features. Important: This plugin uses the free Geocoding services provided by the …
DECODE中文 (简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
DECODE翻译:破译,破解;解(码), 正确理解(外语单词或短语)。 了解更多。
Geocoding API overview | Google for Developers
2 天之前 · Use the Geocoding API for website or mobile application when you want to use geocoding data within maps provided by one of the Google Maps Platform APIs. With the Geocoding API, you use...
decoding是什么意思_decoding的翻译_音标_读音_用法_例句_爱词 …
该算法可以取得和最大似然译码算法相近的译码性能,并且具有很低的计算复杂度. 常用的还用激光全息技术 、 水印技术 、 电码技术等. In the project , coding and decoding are realized in software. 在本系统中, 则是采用软件来实现的. After server decoding data data were stored in the data base system. 用户可通过数据管理系统,显示、编辑和查询采集的信息. A new RS ( Reed - Solomon ) code decoding algorithm based on the Euclidean Divi - sion is presented.
DenCode | Encoding & Decoding Online Tools
Encoding and Decoding site. e.g. HTML Escape / URL Encoding / Base64 / MD5 / SHA-1 / CRC32 / and many other String, Number, DateTime, Color, Hash formats!
Geocoding系列:(一)中国地理编码为何遭遇“不可描述”的困 …
编者注:Geocoding是基于空间定位技术的一种编码方法,它提供了一种把描述成地址的地理位置信息转换成可以被用于 GIS (地理信息系统)的地理坐标的方式。
地理编码服务 | Maps JavaScript API | Google for Developers
您可以通过在代码中使用 google.maps.Geocoder 构造函数对象来访问 Google Maps API 地理编码服务。 Geocoder.geocode() 方法向地理编码服务发起请求,并向其传递一个 GeocoderRequest 对象字面量,后者包含输入字词和一个在收到响应后执行的回调方法。 必需参数:您必须而且只能提供以下其中一个字段: address - 要进行地理编码的地址。 location - 您用来获取距离最近的直观易懂的地址的 LatLng (或 LatLngLiteral)。 地理编码器执行反向地理编码。 如需了解详情, …
DECODE | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
DECODE definition: 1. to discover the meaning of information given in a secret or complicated way: 2. to understand…. Learn more.
Decoding & Encoding: What Are the Differences? - Literacy Learn
2025年3月11日 · Learn all about decoding and encoding: definitions, the differences between them, and why they're essential components to literacy.