Derek | Jorvikipedia | Fandom
Derek is a photographer who pays a visit to Jorvik High School in order to scout and photograph models for the perfume company Glamour No. 5. He has specifically come to takes photos of Anne, but Jessica manages to steal the spotlight by charming Derek.
Derek - Star Stable Wiki
Derek is a postman at Silverglade Village. He can always be found at the post office and is involved in many quest lines; both main and side. Derek's relationship with Anne was kept in Star Stable Online, and he can be found interacting with her in several quests.
A package by the side of the road - Star Stable Wiki
To activate this quest, the player must: Ride along the trail to Firgrove Village and you will come across a brown package on the side of the road (X:275, Y:196). Interact with the quest marker to initiate the quest. "What's this? A package? I'll take it to Derek. He should know whose this is." Goal: Ride to Derek with the package.
Derek | Starstableonline Wiki | Fandom
Derek är en tysk form av Theodoric, som betyder "folkets härskare". Under Halloweenfirandet 2018 berättade Derek lite om Anne. Bl.a sa han följande: "Om jag och Anne är ihop? Haha, inte en chans. Vi är bara väldigt nära vänner. Hon är inte min typ."
Derek | Star Stable Wiki | Fandom
Derek ist ein Fotograf, der irgendwann die Schule von Jorvik besuchte, um Models zu scouten und Fotos für die Parfümfirma Glamour No. 5 zu machen. Er ist speziell gekommen, um Fotos von Anne zu machen. Jessica schafft es, das Rampenlicht zu stehlen, indem sie Derek bezaubert und seine Aufmerksamkeit von Anne wegnimmt.
Derek/Other Appearances - Star Stable Wiki
Pictures from Starshine Legacy, such as the one with Anne and Concorde with wings, can be seen in SSO at the Silverglade post office in picture frames. Derek made an appearance in Starshine Legacy: Legend of Pandoria, as a side character.
Star Stable Online Let's Play- Derek needs help! [Part 135, Day 1]
I honestly don't know what happened with the quality, it's probably because of double rendering, sorry.I can't say HD is your best friend this time lmao rip
Derek sso - YouTube
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message in a bottle – Star Stable Online Ride Through
A Package by the Side of the Road “What is this here? A package? I’ll take it to Derek. He should know who should get this.” Objectives: Ride to Derek with the package. Rewards: 20 Jorvik Shillings, 20 XP Reputation: 15 with Silverglade Village Ride to Silverglade Village and speak with Derek in the post office. Hello Rita! You found a ...
a mysterious dirt pile in the forest – Star Stable Online Ride Through
A Package by the Side of the Road “What is this here? A package? I’ll take it to Derek. He should know who should get this.” Objectives: Ride to Derek with the package. Rewards: 20 Jorvik Shillings, 20 XP Reputation: 15 with Silverglade Village Ride to Silverglade Village and speak with Derek in the post office. Hello Rita! You found a ...