High Desert Quail | Jesse's Hunting, Fishing & Outdoors Forum ...
2020年7月29日 · I headed up to the high desert yesterday around Phelan area. There were Quail EVERYWHERE. It looks like it was a nice winter and spring. Big groups, and lots of them. We saw one covey of at least 40 birds. It was super cool. With any …
Gambel Quail - Mojave National Preserve - Jesse's Hunting
2009年9月23日 · Riverside, San Gabriel Valley and High Desert all have good chapters full of good people. Quail Unlimited—Leading the Charge to Restore and Perpetuate Wild Quail in the United States of America go to the chapters link for more info on your local chapters. Here is a link posted by Jessie on another forum for habitat work. Guzzler repair work ...
Riverside county quail hunt | Jesse's Hunting, Fishing & Outdoors …
2012年12月2日 · Well I do a lot of quail hunting mostly valley quail but occasionally mountain and desert quail. I go hit a different spot every weekend trying not to drive more than 50 miles from home (due to the high price of gas) need less to say this year has been tough the coveys have been small and few and far between.
Desert Quail | Jesse's Hunting, Fishing & Outdoors Forum
2003年10月19日 · Desert Quail. Thread starter metalkingdom; Start date Oct 19, 2003; M. metalkingdom Well-known member ...
Early Upland Game Hunting Forecast
2001年7月4日 · QUAIL Quail populations are looking good throughout Southern California, in both the desert and foothill regions, and the mountain quail appear to have fared very well this year in most areas. At least, that’s the preliminary word from DFG biologists and hunters who are just now starting to get out in the field doing brood counts and scouting.
Anyone hunting quail near Desert Hot Springs
2013年1月17日 · Once there, drive the dirt roads that separate the farm land from the hedges and wild desert and you will see those grey runners doing their thing. It's a bit of strategizing to try to head the little buggers off at the pass... But the CRIT always has birds because there are canals and sprinklers, AZ quail season goes into February.
Southern California Quail locations? (High desert)
2020年12月31日 · Hey guys. I haven’t been quail/dove hunting in some time, and when I have, I usually go with a buddy and his dad. I know dove is closed this time of year, but I’m looking to do some late season quail hunting. We used to go just east of silverwood lake and west of Hesperia in a decent size patch of desert that is known as Honda Valley.
Desert Quail | Jesse's Hunting, Fishing & Outdoors Forum
2001年10月16日 · Search titles only. By: Search Advanced search…
2nd Dove Opener | Jesse's Hunting, Fishing & Outdoors Forum ...
2023年11月10日 · We shot 20 mixed, no White Wings only Euros and Mournings. for the three of us, it took 4 of our better hot spots to make it happen. One of our group shot his 410 pump most of the day. Probably would have done better if our first spot would have produced a few more birds. Hit a couple of Quail spots on the way home. We took a few shots for zero ...
Palm desert hunting | Jesse's Hunting, Fishing & Outdoors Forum ...
2013年8月20日 · Palm Desert is a city surrounded by other cities no hunting there. You have to get out of that valley to go hunting. I heard theres a small lake you can fish around there but its one of those that you have to pay by the pound type deals and noth worth it