Oltenian Sahara - Wikipedia
The Oltenian Sahara (Romanian: Sahara Olteniei) is a name given to an area in the Romanian region of Oltenia covering the territory between the city of Calafat and the town of Dăbuleni, spanning an area of about 80,000 hectares (200,000 acres), or 6% of Dolj County. [1] [2] In 2023, the desertified area has spread north to be within 20km of ...
Desertification in Romania - Geography Realm
Aug 24, 2020 · Desertification in the Oltenia Region. Today, the desertification in the Oltenia region is rampant. The area between Craiova, Calafat and Corabia called ‘Sahara of Oltenia’ astoundingly covers about 100,000 hectares (~ 386 sq mi). The local agricultural community had to adapt and has started to grow sand-tolerant cultures such as sweet ...
Sahara Olteniei - Wikipedia
Sahara Olteniei este o zonă de aproximativ 800 km² (sau 6% din județul Dolj), ce se întinde de la orașul Calafat până la Dăbuleni, afectată foarte puternic de deșertificare, fiind aproape un deșert [1]. Cauza principală a deșertificării este defrișarea …
Oltenian Sahara - Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
The Oltenian Sahara ( _ro. Sahara Olteniei) is a recently formed desert in the western part of the Walachian Plain (in the historical Romanian province of Oltenia) and spans from the city of Calafat to the town of Dăbuleni, covering an area that spans for about 80, 000 hectares (800 km ²) or 6 % of the Dolj County.
Sahara Olteniei, deșertul apărut pe 100.000 de hectare în
Apr 10, 2018 · Sudul României se transformă încet în deșert. Suprafețe extinse ar putea să devină, nu peste mult timp, peisaje demne de Africa de Nord, avertizează specialiștii. Numai în Dolj sunt peste 100.000 de hectare în curs de aridizare, zonă cunoscută drept „Sahara Olteniei” - un triunghi, pe hartă, între Craiova, Calafat și Corabia.
The Expanding Desert - Climate Change in Romania
Aug 14, 2021 · Sand is overrunning Oltenia, a historical region in southern Romania. It’s getting hotter and drier, with sandstorms now reaching all the way to Bucharest. As they try to prevent the worst,...
Desertification in Oltenia - Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
The Desertification in Oltenia affects parts of the Walachian Plain, in the historic Romanian province of Oltenia) covering the area between the city of Calafat to the town of Dăbuleni, spanning an area of about 80, 000 hectares ( 800 km ²), or 6 % of Dolj County. This is the only desert in Romania.
About: Oltenian Sahara - DBpedia Association
Le Sahara d'Olténie est un désert situé dans le sud de la Roumanie, entre Calafat et Dăbuleni. Le désert couvre environ 800 km², soit 6 % de la surface du district du județ de Dolj. En raison de la déforestation mise en place depuis les années 1960, la région a …
Sep 8, 2007 · deșertificare în Oltenia În lucrare sunt analizate fenomenele de deşertificare în Oltenia, mai intense după anul 1990. Importante referiri sunt făcute şi la aspectele de ansamblu pentru întreaga ţară. Perioadele secetoase au avut …
Desertification in Oltenia | Desertification Oltenia - LiquiSearch
The Desertification in Oltenia affects parts of the Walachian Plain, in the historic Romanian province of Oltenia) covering the area between the city of Calafat to the town of Dăbuleni, spanning an area of about 80,000 hectares (200,000 acres), or 6% of Dolj County. This is the only desert in Romania.
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