DIM not working for me, I cant apply loadouts :: Destiny 2 General ...
2024年6月9日 · Hi All, Is anyone else experiencing and issue when you tried to apply a loadout on DIM it just says Bungie.net servers are down for maintance. I have tried re-logging and i have also tried a different broswer. I have no issues transferring the guns or …
DIM is not working :: Destiny 2 General Discussions - Steam …
2021年11月21日 · Hi all, I have a problem with DIM. After launch is still refreshing without end, I cleared cookies and browser data, this dont help. someone have solution? Showing 1 - 5 of 5 comments
Is the Destiny Item Manager down for anyone else?
2022年12月12日 · I also understand that DIM isn't the only tool at our disposal and I could care less about 3rd party options to transfer gear if the in-game option of finding crap in the vault wasn't so horrendous. Also, if we're comparing, the companion app stands up to DIM like a transistor radio does to a Sirius receiver...
DIM Problem :: Destiny 2 General Discussions - Steam Community
2023年8月25日 · Login off and back on with my bungie account in DIM fixed it, however it was on the app, not via web browser, so it might not be the same issue. #7 Showing 1 - 7 of 7 comments
Using DIM To Copy Builds? :: Destiny 2 General Discussions
2023年7月16日 · Yes. DIM can copy & paste loadouts from User-To-User, or from a website. Light.gg currently has a Beta Loadout screen, or there's sites such as https://app.mobalytics.gg/destiny-2 allowing you to see builds by other players.
Vault full. How to identify what armor and weapons to dismantle.
2019年11月12日 · - At the beginning you have no space issues. Just use the Destiny Item Manager (DIM) web page or app to max equip the best gear you have and store the rest in the Vault. You can do this until you have about 300 items in the vault. MID GAME - You can safely dismantle all weapons and armor below blue.
Steam Community :: Guide :: Helpful Apps for Destiny 2
2023年3月6日 · Destiny Item Manager or DIM for short is an app that allows you to swap gear between your guardians, your vault, manage your post master, create loadouts, tell you what good rolls are for weapons, and many many many more things.
Every time i open DIM i have to authorize??!?!?! :: Destiny 2 …
2022年9月22日 · This is just on chrome and I have not tested on others yet. I just was confused because nothing has changed. Before I took about a 6 month break from destiny I didnt have this problem and im 90% sure nothing changed but Ill check those out. No i dont use incognito or private mode. Where are those settings located? Like the clear when closed?
DIM and Bungie LFG not working :: Destiny 2 General Discussions
2022年12月9日 · Destiny 2. All Discussions ... but no DIM or LFG means I'll just wait until they're back on Monday. #6 ...
How to pin Destiny Item Manager (DIM) in the task bar
2020年9月18日 · 2.) Go to DIM's website. https://app.destinyitemmanager.com 3.) Click the (+) button on the URL Box (As seen in the pic below) 4.) Click Install - The shortcut should open and pop up after clicking install. 5.) Right click DIM's icon in the task bar 6.) Select pin to …