Ekko | League of Legends Wiki
2025年1月4日 · Ekko is a champion in League of Legends. [1] Magic resist. Innate - Resonance: Ekko's basic attacks on-hit and damaging abilities apply a stack of Resonance to enemies hit for 4 seconds, refreshing on subsequent hits and stacking up to 3 times. The third stack consumes them all to deal 30 – 140 (based on level) (+ 90% AP) bonus magic damage.
Ekko - Universe | League of Legends Wiki
2025年2月11日 · Born to Inna and Wyeth who envisioned a brighter future for their son in Piltover, Ekko grew up watching his parents age beyond their years, toiling for too many hours under dangerous conditions in suffocating factories. They believed, it would all be worth it, if it meant their son could one day rise to the city above.
Thanks for watching! Please subscribe! Match details, runes and items below:Followed Summoner:PRO player name: DeusChampion: Ekko Runes: Dark Harvest, Sudden...
CLG Deus Ekko JUNGLE (6/0/4) vs Graves Gameplay Replay
Susbcribe to continue learning and climb the ladder! Become a better player by watching challenger and pro players destroy the opposition. Watch and learn as...
“Deus Arrakis”, Klaus Schulze’s Final Trip into Space
2022年7月18日 · Schulze died this year, 2022, on the 26 of April, and “Deus Arrakis” was released July 1 this year. This album is a continuation of his “Dune” album, which draws inspiration from the Frank Herbert science fiction classic that shares the same name.
Klaus Schulze finds cosmic beauty in the sci-fi-inspired Deus Arrakis
2022年7月1日 · Deus Arrakis has unexpectedly become a posthumous album following Klaus Schulze’s death in April, just a few weeks before that of a fellow notable of European electronic music, Vangelis.
Ekko: *desesperado* meu Deus preciso dar um jeito de voltar pra …
Ekko: *desesperado* meu Deus preciso dar um jeito de... voltar pra casa, as pessoas precisam de mim!! Heimer: show more. bacon. 19,713 views • 3 months ago. Share. meu deus eu PRECISO de um tapa do matheus mazzola. LGND. 10,282 views • 6 months ago. Share. meu deus parece um preenchimento de tão lindo??? eu...
12年前的赛博朋克神作【Deus Ex】讲解:生命的困惑_哔哩哔 …
《赛博朋克2077》18年E3大展游戏演示与20年PS4游戏实机的对比,9.3高分神作,现如今却销声匿迹。 《杀出重围》系列的发展历史,最被高估的游戏,同时也是最被低估的游戏,【中字】“沉浸模拟游戏永远不会受欢迎。 ”,八年前的赛博朋克游戏,叫好不叫座续作无期丨《杀出重围:人类分裂》第一期丨行云流水观赏性非攻略最高难度.
Hong Kong - Deus Ex Wiki
Hong Kong (Chinese: 香港) is a city featured in Deus Ex. In the Deus Ex series, the city is notable for being the location of VersaLife's headquarters. By the 2020s, VersaLife has established its...
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