VT220 - Wikipedia
The VT200 series is a family of computer terminals introduced by Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) in November 1983. [1][2] The VT220 was the basic version, a text-only version with multi-lingual capabilities. The VT240 added monochrome ReGIS vector graphics support to the base model, while the VT241 did the same in color.
系统变量TERM不知是用来干什么的?它的值有vt100,vt220等, …
2009年7月16日 · 环境变量TERM设置为终端机,这里的vt100,vt220等是说明仿真的产品类型。 终端是一个很重要的外设,用过终端设备的人都知道如果设备类型不对就会有乱字符,也可用仿真终端软件如netterm试验一下,linux的终端信息放在 /usr/share/terminfo下,在这个目录的子目录v下就有许多的如vt100,vt102,vt200等,你看一下就知道了。 由于在很多朋友对终端的概念一直不是很清楚,因此写了这个FAQ,希望能够帮助大家理解这些概念。 不妥之处,还请大家来信指出 …
linux 终端选择 VT100 VT102 VT200 Xterm linux Vshell 等都有什么 …
2024年8月6日 · 支持 DEC 的 VT220 终端功能,并增加了对鼠标支持、可配置的键绑定和其他特性的支持。 通常指的是 Linux 系统上可用的终端模拟器,如 GNOME Terminal、Konsole、xterm 等。 这些终端模拟器通常支持 Xterm 的功能,并且可能包括额外的 Linux 特定功能。 可能是指 VisUAL Terminal Shell(VShell),是一种增强型终端模拟器,提供脚本编程、宏录制等功能。 如果指的是第三方的终端管理工具,如 RealVNC 的 VShell,它可能提供了远程访问、会话管理 …
DEC VT220 - Terminals
2020年6月3日 · The DEC VT220 terminal was introduced in November, 1983 at a price of $1,395 and discontinued in June, 1998. In May, 1985 the price was reduced to $1,095. It uses an LK201 keyboard. Features: RS-170 composite video output; optional internal modem; Manx. VT220 Installation Guide, August, 1983; VT220 Pocket Service Guide, August, 1986
VT220 Programmer Reference Manual Chapter 1: Terminal …
The VT220 (Figure 1-1) is a general-purpose, video display terminal that uses ANSI standard functions. The terminal has two major components, a monitor/system unit and keyboard. The following sections summarize the major VT220 features. The VT220 uses a monochrome monitor with the following features.
VT100.net: Digital VT220 Programmer Reference Manual Contents
VT220 Programmer Reference Manual Cover Introduction Contents. Introduction. Chapter 1 - Terminal Overview. 1.1 General; 1.2 Terminal Characteristics and Capabilities. 1.2.1 Display Characteristics and Capabilities; 1.2.2 Text Capabilities; 1.3 Communication Environment; 1.4 Major Operating States; 1.5 Major Operating Modes; Chapter 2 ...
DEC VT220 TECHNICAL MANUAL Pdf Download | ManualsLib
View and Download DEC VT220 technical manual online. VT220 desktop pdf manual download.
VT100.net: Digital VT220 Programmer Reference Manual
All data received by the VT220 consists of single and multiple-character codes: graphic (printing or display) characters, control characters, escape sequences, control sequences and device control strings.
Digital VT220 Terminal - zxnet
Digital VT220. The VT220 temrinal was produced from 1983 to 1987 by Digital Equipment Corporation. It improvied on the VT100 series with a new keyboard (the LK201), much smaller packaging and a much faster CPU. It was available with CRTs that used white, green or …
Repairing a VT220 - Page 1 - EEVblog
2017年10月7日 · I have a project that involves a DEC VT220. I have clean looking 1983 late 1986 one with an amber tube. The tube lights up and I get a "keyboard error 4" diagnostic and the LEDs on the keyboard all remain lit. I have the EK-VT220-TM-001_VT220_Technical_Manual_Nov84.pdf and what looks to be at least a partial schematic that I downloaded from ...