KORG 发布 2019 年音乐工作站合成器 KROME EX - midifan
2019年1月22日 · krome ex拥有你期望从korg音乐工作站获得的全部功能,从16轨音序器开始。但是还有更多,krome ex配备了丰富的工具套件,可以快速启动您的创造力。 有方便的自动歌曲设置功能,如果在演出中或制作时灵感来袭,只需按rec开关即可立即开始录制。
Downloads | KROME - Editor/Plug-In Editor | KORG (USA)
2015年6月1日 · *Krome Plug-In Editor supports VST/RTAS in Windows, VST/ Audio Unit/RTAS in Macintosh. *Only a single instance of the Krome Editor or Krome Plug-In Editor can be used at once. Please also note that the "KROME Editor" and "KROME Plug-in Editor" applications can NOT be used with KROME EX. SOFTWARE LICENSING AGREEMENT.
Korg Krome EX Review: Powerful…But Too Many Tradeoffs
2025年2月10日 · This time, we’re reviewing the 2019 Krome EX, a much-needed update to the 2012 Korg Krome, which was starting to show its age, especially when compared to the similarly priced alternatives such as Roland’s FA-06 and the Yamaha MODX. As usual, we’ll focus on reviewing the instrument by its own merits.
一镜到底,以KORG KROME EX为例示范音色表使用方法,通用硬 …
本视频以KORG KROME EX为例示范通过cubase等DAW加载音色表实现如何通过软件音序器控制选择硬件音色
Krome can act as a Master Keyboard able to control external MIDI devices such as sound modules. (Usable as insert, master, or total effects. However, double-size effects cannot be used as a total effect.) 2 units are available. Songs can be arranged consecutively or repeatedly in up to 99 steps, a cue list can be converted back into a song.
KROME EX/KORG USB-MIDI Driver (for Windows)
2024年8月26日 · KROME EX/KORG USB-MIDI Driver (for Windows) Version:1.15 r56e Date:2024.08.26
Review: Korg Krome EX — AudioTechnology
Krome is a spectacularly big seller — it’s priced right, combining a great array of sounds, with just enough control and features. The seven-inch touchscreen is an excellent focus of any programming — logical and legible.
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