Product Dexa VMD - Vemedim
It is used as an anti-inflammation, anti-allergy, and anti-stress agent. Especially useful in arthritis, colitis, mastitis, metritis, inflammation of the respiratory tract, and other infectious diseases. In cases of infections treatment connected with antibiotics is required. Deep intramuscular injection.
Sản phẩm Dexa VMD - Vemedim
Vemedim DEXA VMD - Thuốc kháng viêm, kháng dị ứng. Kháng viêm, giảm đau, chống dị ứng, chống tác nhân gây stress. Tiêm bắp sâu. Trâu, bò: 1 ml/40 kg thể trọng. Heo (lợn), dê, cừu, chó: 1 ml/20 kg thể trọng. Gia cầm: 1 ml/10 kg thể trọng. Heo: Trước khi giết mổ: 2 ngày. Nơi khô mát, tránh ánh sáng chiếu trực tiếp.
Dexa VMD, 100 ml - Loopyvet - dexamethasone - Online Vet …
Dexa is a drug presented by the manufacturer in the form of a solution for injection. The preparation contains an active ingredient - dexamethasone, which has an extremely beneficial effect on the animal body. In addition to the main component, there are other elements that enhance the action.
Dexa-ject 2 mg/ml solution for injection for cattle, horses, pigs, dogs and cats 2. QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE COMPOSITION Each ml contains: Active substance: Dexamethasone 2 mg as...
Dexa-ject 2 mg/ml solution for injection for cattle, horses, pigs, dogs and cats 2. QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE COMPOSITION Each ml contains: Active substance: Dexamethasone 2 mg as...
dexa vmd injection - TACOMA VET MEDICATIONS
Dexaphenylarthrite works as potent analgesic anti-inflammatory for training , specially designed for horses and camels of high performance competition. principal actives are dexamethasone and dexa vmd injection
Dexa VMD | Batnanpharma
يتم استخدام (ديكسا في أم دي) كعامل مضاد للالتهابات ومضاد للحساسية ومضاد للإجهاد. مفيد بشكل خاص في التهاب المفاصل والتهاب القولون والتهاب الضرع والتهاب الرحم والتهاب الجهاز التنفسي وغيرها من الأمراض المعدية. في حالات الالتهابات، يلزم العلاج رفقة المضادات الحيوية. الجرعة: الحقن العضلي العميق. تعتمد على مؤشرات الطبيب البيطري المعتمد.
DEXA VMD - PHÁT NGUYÊN AN GIANG - phatnguyenangiang.com
DEXA VMD. THÀNH PHẦN: Dexamethasone (sodium phosphate)………………2 mg. Exp.qs……………………………………..………..1 ml. CÔNG DỤNG: Kháng viêm, giảm đau, chống dị ứng, chống tác nhân gây stress trên heo, trâu, bò, dê, cừu, chó, mèo, gia cầm.
Dexa VMD solution for - myHealthbox
Dexa VMD solution for injection Saudi Arabia - English - SFDA (Saudi Food and Drug Authority)- الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء Some documents for this product are not currently available, you can send a request to our customer service and we will notify you as soon as we are able to obtain them.
VMD Dexa 100ml - Phân Phối Thuốc Thú Y
Vemedim Dexa 100ml giá: 26,130 đ. Chuyên dùng để kháng viêm, giảm đau, chống dị ứng, chống tác nhân gây stress...Xem Ngay !!!