All About the Dexcom Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM)
Jul 7, 2019 · After the sensor is inserted, a two-hour warm-up period follows. After this, readings will be displayed for ten days. At the end of the sensor session, the sensor is removed from the body, but the transmitter is reused for up to about nine sessions (90 days). Here is a brief video explaining how the Dexcom system works and how to replace a ...
Where Should You Wear Your CGM Sensor? - Diabetes Daily
Jan 4, 2023 · Dexcom. The Dexcom G6 is officially approved for use in either one or two locations, depending on the user’s age. All users can place the G6 sensor on the abdomen or back of the upper arm. Children (ages 2-17) are additionally approved …
How to Extend the Dexcom G6 Sensor Beyond the Ten Day Hard …
Dec 1, 2021 · Clever users find a new hack to extend the sensor’s life, and Dexcom eventually responds by closing off whatever loophole allowed it, forcing users to find a new technique. The tricks that worked reliably in 2019 and 2020, like disconnecting the bluetooth and hiding the receiver for a couple hours, don’t work anymore.
Dexcom G7 or FreeStyle Libre 3? We Tried Them Both!
Apr 26, 2023 · The Dexcom G7 is only rated for 10 days (10.5 days, really, when you consider the 12-hour “grace period” for switching over to a new sensor). Libre’s longer life is a significant advantage — not only does it mean fewer annoying changeovers, but it also reduces the amount of time you spend wearing brand new sensors, which are less accurate.
Bleeding when inserting Dexcom G6 sensor - Diabetes Daily
May 31, 2022 · Not sure why you're getting the hassle from Dexcom support, but if there is an issue with the sensor not caused through user negligence, they are obligated to replace the sensor. I haven't had to deal with Dexcom support yet, but I had lots of failed sensors with Abbott Freestyle, and never had an issue getting a replacement.
New Dexcom Update: Your G7 Questions Answered - Diabetes Daily
Dec 28, 2020 · *Editor’s note: This article was updated for clarity on 12/30/2020. Last month, we chatted with Jake Leach, Dexcom’s chief technology officer (CTO) to get the latest scoop on the release timeline and new features of the Dexcom G7 continuous glucose monitor (CGM), a highly-anticipated diabetes technology that will be released in 2021.
Issues with Dexcom G7, specifically 2/1/23 sensors
Aug 2, 2023 · New member, thought I'd add my 2 cents on the dexcom g7 sensor. I've been using these since 3/2023. First time user, diagnosed 3/2023. I have had many issues with these sensors: dropped readings, sensor errors, bad readings. I have contacted Dexcom all the time and they just send me a new sensor.
Libre vs. Dexcom: A Diabetes Educator’s Experience
Dec 31, 2017 · 3. Sensor Life: Win for the Dexcom. The Libre sensor lasts ten days, and the Dexcom sensor lasts only seven days. However, many people have discovered how to trick the Dexcom sensor into continuing for much longer than seven days. The Libre is too smart to be fooled and requires a new sensor after ten days. 4. Sensor Start-Up: Win for the ...
Dexcom G7 issues | Diabetes Daily Forums
Oct 20, 2024 · I have found the G7 to be a big improvement on the G6. They stay on for the full time. I once had a sensor fail the day I left for a trip to Australia. Phoned support and a replacement was sent to my hotel in Sidney the next day. Sensors fail occasionally and they are happy to replace them. So happy with quality and support.
We Have the Dexcom Updates You Need – Diabetes Daily
May 4, 2022 · In the past, Dexcom has publicly committed to a goal of a two-week sensor life—a goal that their major competitor, Abbott’s Freestyle Libre, has already achieved. When we began reporting that the G7 would last only 10 days, we weren’t sure if Dexcom had abandoned that goal or not. Now we know: Dexcom still hopes to extend the G7 to 15 ...