Statistics at DfE - Department for Education - GOV.UK
This revised data for 2019 to 2020 will form part of the national high-level 3-year time series, containing data for 2018/2019 to 2020/2021, which is scheduled for publication in March 2022.
Explore our statistics and data - Explore education statistics
Use these services to find related information and other statistical services provided by the Department for Education (DfE): Statistics at DfE. Find out more about latest news, announcements, forthcoming releases and ad hoc publications, as well as related education statistics. Compare school and college performance
Find statistics and data - Explore education statistics - GOV.UK
Pupil attendance and absence data including termly national statistics and fortnightly statistics in development derived from DfE’s regular attendance data. Release type Official statistics in development. Published 6 Mar 2025. Theme Pupils and schools.
Compare the performance of schools and colleges in England
Check school performance tables (‘league tables’), Ofsted reports and financial information.
我的组会内容分享(部分)CDR+CTLE+DFE - CSDN博客
2022年12月10日 · 自适应算法。Rx端的均衡通常需要满足不同材质和长度信道的特性,并对信号不同频率成分的衰减进行补偿。CTLE和DFE通常都会使用自适应算法(Self-Adaptive Algorithm)实时动态调整来应对信道的特性变化。如果不了解算法实现,就不能准确的理解DFE的本质。关于自适应算法有很多的教材,比如Simon Haykin ...
Pupil attendance in schools - GOV.UK
2025年3月6日 · These figures are derived from regular data automatically submitted to the Department for Education (DfE) by participating schools. The data is submitted on a daily basis and includes the attendance codes for each pupil on their registers during the morning and afternoon sessions.</p><p>Figures relate to the attendance of 5 to 15 year old (i.e. compulsory school age) pupils in state-funded ...
Explore education statistics - GOV.UK
2020年3月26日 · Use this service to find, download and explore official Department for Education (DfE) statistics and data in England for: children and young people - including social care; further and higher ...
信号处理算法–均衡器Equalizer(FFE DFE Volterra等) - 知乎
判决反馈均衡器 (Decision Feedback Equalizer,DFE) 图1.2.1 DFE结构图. 判决反馈均衡器是一种非线性均衡器,它的主要思想是将接收到的信号经过判决后,将判决信号延迟输入到滤波器中,通过滤波器输出的加权和来抵消符号间干扰(Symbol Interference,ISI)。
Find and explore data in the National Pupil Database
If you are a more experienced user and you know the name of the DfE data collection that feeds into the NPD, you may want to search for the data items you are interested in using the names of the DfE collections as we hold them in the NPD. Searching for data. You can also find specific data items using a simple text search.
DfE Analytical Services - GitHub
explore-education-statistics Public . Explore education statistics (EES) is the Department for Education's official statistics dissemination platform, designed to make DfE’s published statistics and data easier to find, access, use and understand.