Python 字典 pop() 方法 - 菜鸟教程
Python 字典 pop() 方法删除字典给定键 key 所对应的值,返回值为被删除的值。 语法. pop() 方法语法: pop(key[,default]) 参数. key - 要删除的键; default - 当键 key 不存在时返回的值; 返回值. 返回被删除的值: 如果 key 存在 - 删除字典中对应的元素
POP Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of POP is to strike or knock sharply : hit. How to use pop in a sentence.
POP | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
POP definition: 1. modern popular music, usually with a strong beat, created with electrical or electronic…. Learn more.
POP definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
Pop is used to represent a short sharp sound, for example the sound made by bursting a balloon or by pulling a cork out of a bottle. Each corn kernel will make a loud pop when cooked. His back tyre just went pop on a motorway. If something pops, it makes a short sharp sound.
Pop - definition of pop by The Free Dictionary
To make a short, sharp, explosive sound. 2. To burst open with a short, sharp, explosive sound. 3. To move quickly or unexpectedly; appear abruptly: At last the cottage popped into view. 4. To open wide suddenly: The child's eyes popped with astonishment. 5.
pop noun - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes
Definition of pop noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more.
pop - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
4 天之前 · pop (countable and uncountable, plural pops) (countable) A loud, sharp sound, as of a cork coming out of a bottle, especially when the contents are pressurized by fizziness. Listen to the pop of a champagne cork.
Pop - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms - Vocabulary.com
4 天之前 · DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘pop'. Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Vocabulary.com or its editors.
POP | definition in the Cambridge Learner’s Dictionary
POP meaning: 1. to make a short sound like a small explosion, or to make something do this by breaking it: 2…. Learn more.
pop - WordReference.com Dictionary of English
to come or go quickly, suddenly, or when not expected:[no object] She just popped by and said hello. See pop in below. to shoot with a gun: [no object] to pop at a mark. [~ + object] to pop a few bullets at them.
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