Dhedluk (town) - Forgotten Realms Wiki
Dhedluk was a beautiful village of about 100 rustic cottages interspersed with gardens, dappled by sunlight reaching down through the eaves of gigantic mossy trees. It was a popular place …
Dhedluk - candlekeep.com
Dhedluk. By Nicholas Burke . Dhedluk #4: Temple (lesser) of Lathander: this holy temple's primary call is to serve the farming and wood carving community of Dhedluk. However they …
Dhedluk - Forgotten Realms Wiki | Fandom
Dhedluk might refer to: Dhedluk (town), a small town in Cormyr; Dhedluk (human), a Cormyrean farmer who aided King Duar
科米尔CORMYR - 哔哩哔哩
国王森林中有一个叫代德鲁克Dhedluk的小社区(人口1000),是农民和木雕师的家园。 砍伐活木已成为社区的禁忌,其惩罚几乎与谋杀一样严厉。 当场抓获的人将被吊死在代德鲁克郊区一 …
被遗忘的国度地理:科米尔(cormyr) - 哔 ... - 哔哩哔哩
戴铎克(Dhedluk)(小镇人口936):这个在国王森林内的社区是农夫和木雕工作者的家园,砍下活树已经被禁止好几年了。 环绕着防御栅栏,村庄现在正饱受从阿拉贝逐出的兽人入侵者的威胁。
Category:Locations in Dhedluk - Forgotten Realms Wiki
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Using a lich lord as the final boss : r/DMAcademy - Reddit
2021年1月23日 · Liches are powerful spell casters with relatively low HP given their frailty. I would recommend looking into a lich’s lair action here for inspiration. The lich should be behind …
世设一览 - 龙与地下城TRPG - 灰机wiki - 北京嘉闻杰诺网络科技有 …
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Dhedluk (town) - Cathays Wiki
Dhedluk (pronounced: /dɛdˈluːk/ dead-LUKE[1]) was a small town surrounded by a stockade in the King's Forest in Cormyr. It had a population of 936 as of 1372 DR. It was a farming and …
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