Clinical Manifestations and Management of Dengue/DHF/DSS
DHF clinical course (Figure 2) is divided into three phases: febrile phase (2–7 days), critical or leakage phase (24–48 hours), and convalescence phase (2–7 days). In the febrile phase, only supportive and symptomatic treatment is conducted.
Table 2 : WHO classification of dengue infections and grading of...
Grade III and IV are classified as dengue shock syndrome (DSS) ... [...] Background: Nearly, half world's people are at high risk from malaria disease and around 1 to 2 million people die from...
DBD grade I : demam disertai 2 atau lebih tanda : sakit kepala, nyeri di belakang bola mata, pegal pegal dan nyeri sendi dengan uji bendung positif. DBD grade II : gejala diatas disertai perdarahan spontan seperti bintik bintik merah di kulit, mimisan, …
Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever - RNpedia
DHF Grade I: Fever accompanied by non- specific symptoms like anorexia, vomiting, and abdominal pain; the only hemorrhagic manifestation is (+) tourniquet test and/ or easy bruising; DHF Grade II: Spontaneous bleeding plus the manifestations with Grade I (usually observed in GIT or mucocutaneous
Demam Berdarah Dengue - RS Cahya Kawaluyan
DBD grade I : demam disertai 2 atau lebih tanda : sakit kepala, nyeri di belakang bola mata, pegal pegal dan nyeri sendi dengan uji bendung positif. DBD grade II : gejala diatas disertai perdarahan spontan seperti bintik bintik merah di kulit, mimisan, …
DHF grade IV or decompensated shock or BP/PR can not be measured) • Immediately management: HCT+ blood glucose testing + oxygen therapy NSS/AR/LR IV free flow or 10 ml/kg (children) or 500- 1000 ml (adults) IV bolus • Check A,B,C,S,F (Table 2) and correct. Change IV fluid to 5%D/NSS 10 ml/kg (children) or 500 ml (adults) IV drip in 1– 2 h ...
Dengue classification: current WHO vs. the newly suggested ...
Current WHO classification is recommended for continuing use because the newly suggested TDR classification creates about 2 times the workload to health care personnel. In addition, the TDR classification needs dengue confirmatory tests. More than 90% of DHF defined by WHO case definition are dengue …
Serotype-specific differences in the risk of dengue ... - PubMed
2010年3月2日 · DENV-2 appears to be marginally associated with more severe dengue disease as evidenced by a significant association with DHF grade I when compared to DENV-1. In addition, we found non-significant trends with other grades of DHF.
Dengue guideline 082012, grade dhf, dengue, indonesia | PPT
2012年11月23日 · The document provides information about Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF), including: 1) DHF is a severe form of dengue virus infection characterized by fever, hemorrhagic phenomena, hepatomegaly and circulatory failure. 2) It is transmitted via the bite of the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which breeds in stagnant water and exhibits daytime biting ...
Mengenal Kode ICD 10 DHF, Diagnosis Penyakit Demam Berdarah …
2022年3月21日 · Kode ICD 10 DHF digunakan sebagai diagnosis penyakit dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) atau dalam bahasa Indonesianya adalah DBD (demam berdarah dengue). Melalui kode ini, tenaga medis bisa menentukan jenis penyakit beserta cara penanganannya.