Scanmate Flex - Three Probe Options, One Powerful Platform
The Scanmate Flex, a portable, ophthalmic ultrasound platform, is the perfect product to enhance your practice’s diagnostic capabilities. The Flex provides any desired combination of A-Scan, B-Scan, and UBM. Its hallmark is flexibility.
DGH Technology - Ultrasonic Pachymeters, A-Scans & B-Scans
DGH Technology, Inc. is committed to providing medical professionals with quality products that are innovative, affordable and reliable. We manufacture all our products on site in our …
DGH Technologies Scanmate Flex - UBM, A-Scan, B-Scan
With its customizable combination of A-scan, B-scan, and UBM modalities, the Scanmate Flex is designed to adapt to your specific space requirements and seamlessly integrate into any office or clinical setting.
DGH Scanmate Flex B Scan from DGH Technology, Inc.
Portable, affordable full function multi probe unit, with A-Scan, B-Scan and UBM capabilities. High resolution images with 256 lines per scan. Zoom control enhances diagnostic capability. Images can be enlarged while maintaining high, undistorted resolution. Exclusive DGH toolbar is very intuitive and user-friendly.
Resources - DGH: Ultrasonic Pachymeters, A-Scans & B-Scans
PDF brochures and operator manual resources are available for download below. Contact our offices to request software for your DGH device.
DGH 8000 B-SCAN SCANMATE - Technieye
Adjustable probe pulse power improves ultrasonic penetration capability. Full motion video loops for seamlessly viewing real-time and captured screen scans. Patient based file storage is virtually unlimited, limited only by your hardware. Quick and simple to use software is …
UBM是一种高频超声,是以“损失”穿透深度为代价,提高短距离分辨能力的一种检查技术。 临床大多为50MHz,虽然探测深度降低,只有5-6mm左右,但轴向分辨率却可达50μm,这显然大大超过了普通眼科超声10MHz的分辨能力。 UBM解决了传统眼科超声无法解决的问题,那就是可以看清眼前节的结构,这无疑是一大贡献。 以往,虹膜晶体隔像“一座山”,普通B超无法看清这座山后面的东西,如睫状体及周边视网膜情况。 UBM,却让眼科医生第一次看清了山后面的“风景”。 …
UBM在青光眼临床中应用 - 百度文库
结合了高频超声(50MHz~100MHz)和计算机图象处理 技术,可在活体显示高分辨率的眼前段二维图象,具有实 时、非干扰、定量和不受角膜混浊影响的特点。 在PACG中,反映睫状体位置的参数, 小梁睫状体距离变短,巩膜睫状体夹角 变小,在慢闭高褶型中更明显。
ubm是检查什么的 - 百度
2023年3月28日 · UBM是一种检查眼前节的高分辨超声生物显微镜,UBM的频率可以通过更换探头的频率来改变,应用广泛的是50MHz的换能器,其精度能达到25μm,应用UBM可以观察到眼 …
UBM是什么检查 - 百度
2023年11月20日 · UBM指的是超声生物显微镜检查,是临床眼科常用的一种检查和诊断仪器,其具有无创伤、成像清晰、操作方便,以及与计算机系统紧密集成等优点,因此在临床上被广泛使用。 UBM的检查是利用超高频超声对眼前段的组织结构进行类似显微镜检查的一种新的影像学检查方法,其对虹膜、睫状体、晶状体、后房、周边玻璃体、悬韧带等都可以进行细致观察。 另外,UBM不仅可以清晰地显示角膜的各层结构,同时可对各层结构的厚度进行定量测量。 其还 …
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