My new tank diana build (pretty much every game) : r/DianaMains …
2024年3月22日 · If anyone has seen my past guides its gonna be pretty similar, but i have been having success going with cheaper tank items rather than stuff like thornmail which is more expensive, of course some games where its really good ill probably still go thornmail but this build has a lot of versatility considering you get really good passives from the items for cheap and it …
Updated for S12 Diana Guide by Sayarin : r/DianaMains - Reddit
2022年1月28日 · Standard AP build path for mid: Rocketbelt -> sorcs -> Shadowflame/Lich Bane -> Raba/zhonyas or (the item you didn't buy prior) -> void when needed. Demonic embrace is a fine 3rd item on diana if you need a bit more health and survivability but …
Bruiser-Tank Diana build season 13 : r/DianaMains - Reddit
2022年10月5日 · High plat/low diamond Tank Diana main. Drain tank mythic, demonic embrace, CD boots, sunfire, visage/mask and stone plat/chains with grasp (yes, even in the jungle) will be the best build. Haven’t played on PBE yet, but IMO this is the strongest build so far. Maybe switch the new drain tank mythic with the new armour one.
Diana Build Guide : r/DianaMains - Reddit
2023年4月10日 · Diana doesn't scale well with AP, so magic pen is really good on her early to help snowball. Hourglass 3rd makes sense for late game team fights, but mid game, there isn't enough damage to burst through your HP from these items and shield.
Diana build. : r/DianaMains - Reddit
2022年1月5日 · Yeah for sure, I played her before (a couple months ago, before her nerfs) and build nashor’s first. Was mostly wondering if you still go that first over your mythic. I mostly focus on objectives with Diana anyways. Gank only when possible/needed :). …
Full Tank Diana Build Guide : r/summonerschool - Reddit
2022年9月14日 · Don't forget the nerf to Diana passive directly makes Nashors worse because each passive proc was nerfed. I will say that the build path of Sunfire is worse than Nashors, and arguably the 1 item spike is also worse. But Diana is a high tempo jungler meaning she scales quickly because of how fast she gathers resources.
Hub of All Diana Build Variations : r/DianaMains - Reddit
2021年9月28日 · Hi I'd like to make this post a list wiki of sorts for all Diana build and setup variations. Comment any of your own tried and tested ideas below! Here are some off the top of my head. Nashors-->Riftmaker | Conqueror - DPS turret killer fighter Diana
Nashor’s Tooth on Diana : r/DianaMains - Reddit
2022年6月10日 · As dia4 diana main i today tested new build and i felt like i personally like it. Protobelt -> sorc shoes -> shadowflame -> athemas chain -> demonic -> zhonya /rabadon I only played it like 5-6 times, so my opinion can change. I feel like i have a lot of dmg to be able to win 1v1 also with a lot of hp.
A small tip for new Diana Mains build path. (Masters 250lp
This is mainly for mid lane on the other hand. I think Diana Mid's build path is more assassin based, hence why I think defensive second is most optimal. But jungle, I think Diana plays more duelist than anything, hence why you go nashor lich combo. Most champions cannot duel a nashor diana, since it gives almost the highest DPS of any jungler.
Diana Build : r/DianaMains - Reddit
2017年11月27日 · Diana is not like the other standard mages, she can build so many items and is way more versatile its more about what your playstyle is, right now the 2 best build paths are Roa/nash, void, zhonyas, deathcap and tabis/mercs with this you are tankier and plays like a splitpushing duelist it scales really good, second path is the burst build that is full assassin …