Diasip | Nutricia Adult Healthcare
User-friendly bottle: ergonomic plastic bottle, with resealable easy to open cap. A ready-to-drink, nutritionally complete, low glycaemic index oral nutritional supplement. For the dietary management of disease related malnutrition in patients with diabetes mellitus, hyperglycaemia or impaired glucose tolerance. Not for parenteral use.
Diasip - Nutricia IE
Diasip is a Food for Special Medical Purposes for use under medical supervision. Diasip is a 1kcal/ml, fibre containing nutritionally complete oral nutritional supplement, with slow release carbohydrate for patients with diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance. With …
Diasip - Diabetic nutritional supplement drinks | Nutricia Fortisip
Diasip is a ready-to-drink 200ml low glycaemic nutrition supplement that is high in calories (208kcal) with 9.8g of protein and contains 28 vitamins and minerals per bottle. It can be used in addition to a healthy varied diet, which can assist with aiding recovery when unwell, improving body weight and quality of your life.
Nutricia Diasip 糖宜適 200ml x 48支 [低糖及不含蔗糖,適合關注 …
Diasip is a nutritionally complete, ready-to-drink, milkshake style supplement. It can be used to supplement the diet of patients unable to meet their nutritional requirements from other foods or used as a sole source of nutrition. Diasip is designed for the dietary management of patients with diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance.
For the dietary management of disease related malnutrition in patients with diabetes mellitus, hyperglycaemia or impaired glucose tolerance. Halal certified. Nutricia UK and/or Ireland has kosher approval for this product, except for those flavours which contain carminic acid. Not for parenteral use. Not suitable for patients with fructosaemia.
Diasip - Nutricia Serbia
Nutritivno kompletan preparat namenjen oralnoj upotrebi za pacijente sa Diabetes Mellitus-om. Nizak glikemijski indeks. Sadrži vlakna. (1 kcal/ml) Diasip je namenjen dijetetskom režimu ishrane pacijenata sa Diabetes Mellitus-om, hiperglikemijom ili intolerancijom glukoze, koji su u riziku ili već imaju malnutriciju i povećane energetske potrebe.
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Diasip A ready-to-drink, nutritionally complete, diabetes specific low GI nutritional formula A food for special medical purposes; to be used under strict medical supervision. Nutricia Southern Africa (PTY) Ltd 199 Bryanston Drive, Bryanston, 2191 For more information call the Nutricia Customer Care Line 087 350 2310 1.
Diasip® Nutritional Supplement for People Concerned about …
Get 4 extra bottles free when you purchase two or more boxes (48 bottles per box) of Diasip® - Nutritional products for people who care about blood sugar.
NUTRICIA Diasip ar vaniļas garšu 200 ml, 4 gab.
NUTRICIA Diasip (ar vaniļas garšu) Īpašiem medicīniskiem nolūkiem paredzēta pārtika. Uztura režīms nepilnvērtīga uztura uzņemšanas gadījumā cilvēkiem ar cukura diabētu vai hiperglikēmiju. Ar cukuriem un saldinātājiem. Ar uzturvielām pilnīgi nokomplektēts, lietošanai gatavs produkts ar šķiedrvielām. Nesatur lipekli.