Diatom - Wikipedia
Diatoms are classified as eukaryotes, organisms with a nuclear envelope-bound cell nucleus, that separates them from the prokaryotes archaea and bacteria. Diatoms are a type of plankton called phytoplankton, the most common of the plankton types.
Taxonomy of diatoms - Wikipedia
This classification treats diatoms as a phylum (Diatomeae/Bacillariophyta), accepts the class Mediophyceae of Medlin and co-workers, introduces new subphyla and classes for a number of otherwise isolated genera, and re-ranks a number of previously established taxa as subclasses, but does not list orders or families.
Diatom | Description, Characteristics, & Reproduction | Britannica
2025年1月2日 · diatom, (class Bacillariophyceae), any member of the algal class Bacillariophyceae (division Chromophyta), with about 16,000 species found in sediments or attached to solid substances in all the waters of Earth. Diatoms are among the most important and prolific microscopic sea organisms and serve directly or indirectly as food for many animals.
4.4: Diatoms - Biology LibreTexts
Diatoms are an incredibly diverse group of unicellular organisms containing anywhere from 20,000 to 2 million species. These organisms are unicellular and surrounded by a frustule, a silica shell made from two distinct valves that enclose the plasma membrane.
Diatoms - UCL
Diatoms are formally classified as belonging to the Division Chrysophyta, Class Bacillariophyceae. The Chrysophyta are algae which form endoplasmic cysts, store oils rather than starch, possess a bipartite cell wall and secrete silica at some stage of their life cycle.
Diatoms, unicellular photosynthetic algae – Inanimate Life
The diatoms are a phylum of unicellular photosynthetic algae and are a group significant for their unique structure and ecology. The diatoms represent a distinct group but the placement of the diatom group is problematic both in terms of level (phylum or class) and in terms of phylogeny (i.e. who are they grouped with).
Diatom - Definition and Examples - Biology Online Dictionary
2022年6月24日 · Diatoms are mostly aquatic, being found in fresh, brackish, and saltwater. Some are found in moist places, such as soil. Diatoms comprise the taxonomic phylum Bacillariophyta. They may be solitary or in colonies. When in colonies, they form various shapes, e.g. ribbons, zigzags, stars, or fans.
Bacillariophyta - SpringerLink
2017年8月1日 · The diatoms (Bacillariophyta) are the most species-rich group of autotrophic algae, found in fresh, brackish, and marine waters worldwide, and also in damp terrestrial habitats. They are well represented in marine phytoplankton and may account for 20% of global photosynthetic carbon fixation.
Bacillariophyta: Features and Classification - Biology Discussion
The Bacillariophyta, commonly known as the diatoms, are ubiquitous algae of both fresh- and salt-water and of damp places including aerial habitats as, old walls, rocky cliffs, bark of trees, and damp soils. Some are submerged in water growing attached to various substrata like aquatic algae and submerged objects.
Diatom: Definition, Classification, and Examples - NotesBard
2021年11月8日 · A diatom is a single-celled eukaryotic alga with a siliceous coating and symmetrical shape. Diatoms are typically found in freshwater, brackish ...